Interoperability container for Quinn, a QUIC
implementation in pure Rust.
This repository contains a server and client implementation to test interoperabilty with other QUIC
and HTTP/3
implementations. It also provides a container definition to be integrated to QUIC interop runner, see the results here.
You can find the container at DockerHub: stammw / quinn-interop
- [submodule] quic-interop-runner: the testing application, to test locally
- quinn-interop: interop application to be deployed into the container
Start by cloning the repository with its submodules:
git clone --recursive git://
First, install the runner dependencies:
pip3 install -r quic-interop-runner/requirements.txt
You will need some other dependencies on your system:
- tshark
- docker-compose
# Build the container
docker build -f Dockerfile -t stammw/quinn-interop:latest .
# Run the tests
cd quic-interop-runner/
python3 -d -s quic-go -c quinn