Javisar's Oxygen Not Included Mods for Steam Workshop or ONI-Modloader
- Please DON'T REPORT BUGS you encounter to Klei while mods are active unless they relate to the builtin ONI Modlioader
- BE AWARE that many of the mods are still a WIP and may fail. If you are having problems use a clean ONI installation and try to test the mods one by one to narrow the error. Then post a issue in github.
- We do not take any responsibility for broken saves or any other damage. Use this software at your own risk.
- If you load a savegame, it probably requires that you have exactly the same mods when you saved it.
This project uses source code of and is based on: Harmony, ModLoader Installer, Besiege Modloader, OnionPatcher
NOTE: Tested on LU-361684
Contribute: ANY PULL REQUEST IS WELCOME. Check the contributors here.
Mods Installation -> STEAM WORKSHOP
Name | Description | Steam | Contributors |
Amphibious | Adds new duplicant traits: Amphibious (They also breath under water). EXPERIMENTAL. | Steam | @javisar |
BetterModLoadLogs | Adds exception log in case of Harmony patch error at mod loading. | Steam | @javisar |
BuildableAETN | Makes the AETN buildable and researchable. 20k Refined Metal. There is no preprint sprite. | Steam | @javisar |
BuildOverFacilities | Allows to construct on top of Gravitas furniture. | Steam | @javisar |
BuildingModifier | Allows to modify building attributes. EXPERIMENTAL. More at: HowTo | Steam | @javisar |
CustomWorld | Enables the player to use custom world sizes. | Steam | @Moonkis @javisar |
FluidPhysics | Overwrite some fluids molar mass to make them equal, this produces more mixing. EXPERIMENTAL. | Steam | @javisar |
FluidWarp | Teleports liquids and gases between places. More at: HowTo | Steam | @javisar @Blindfold @Moonkis |
ExportDailyReports | Export your colony daily reports to CSV format. EXPERIMENTAL. | Steam | @javisar |
InstantResearch | Forces instant research without Debug mode. | Steam | @javisar |
InverseElectrolyzer | Combines hydrogen and oxygen into water. | Steam | @javisar |
NoDamage | Disables various damages in game. Overload, Overheat, boiling, cold, buildings. | Steam | @javisar |
NoFixedTemps | The output fluid temperatures of the machinery depends on the input (Except AirFilter, AlgaeTerraium and PacuCleaner). | Steam | @javisar |
RoomSize | Recognizes rooms (count cells) to a room size maximum of 1024. Configures maximum room sizes. | Steam | @javisar |
SpeedControl | Overwrites the method SpeedControlScreen.OnChange. Fast Speed set to behave like Ultra Speed in debug mode. | Steam | @javisar |
SuperMiner | Digging drops the complete mass of the cell. | Steam | @javisar |
WorldGenReloaded | Changes geysers properties, frequency and allowed zones. EXPERIMENTAL. Don't use small world sizes! More at: HowTo | Steam | @javisar |
WorkableMuiltipliers | Duplicants will build and dig very fast. | Steam | @javisar |
ZeroPointModule | A battery that gets unlimited energy from the vacuum. | Steam | @javisar |
- Choose 'Download or Clone'.
- Prerequisites:
- This mod installation guide ONLY applies to the mods below.
- Make SURE you're using the latest version from Github main branch.
- ONI-Modloader must be installed ONLY if you DO NOT use ONI Builtin Modloader
- Make sure you deleted all previous mod files and its config:
- ONI-Modloader
- Windows: %PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Steam\steamapps\common\OxygenNotIncluded\Mods\
- Mac: /OxygenNotIncluded/OxygenNotIncluded.app/Contents/Resources/Mods/
- ONI Builtin Modloader (Steam)
- Windows: %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded\mods\local\
- Mac: ???
- ONI-Modloader
- Select the mod you want to install from HERE.
- Click "Clone or Download" and "Download ZIP" for the latest version as the releases may not be up to date.
- Copy the desired mod folder WITH THE SAME FOLDER STRUCTURE** into the folder:
- ONI-Modloader
- Windows: %PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Steam\steamapps\common\OxygenNotIncluded\Mods\
- Mac: /OxygenNotIncluded/OxygenNotIncluded.app/Contents/Resources/Mods/
- ONI Builtin Modloader (Steam)
- Windows: %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded\mods\local\
- Mac: ???
- ONI-Modloader
- The main mod config files must be located in:
- ONI-Modloader
- \Mods\[MOD_NAME]\Config\*.json
- ONI Builtin Modloader (Steam)
- \mods\local\[MOD_NAME]\Config\*.json
- ONI-Modloader
- Run the game.
- Check for error logs in:
- Windows: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Klei\Oxygen Not Included\output_log.txt
- Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Klei/Oxygen Not Included/Player.log
- MacOS: ~/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log
- \OxygenNotIncluded\Mods\Mod_Log.txt
- \OxygenNotIncluded\Mods\_Logs\