An other boilerplate to easy begin to development react apps.
- Min Node 8.9.6+, recommended 10+
Recomended to use yarn
yarn install
yarn start
- Support Node 8+ with esm
- Webpack 4 + webpack-serve
- Babel 7
- Hot module reloader
- EditorConfig
- Docz for documenting the components (Todo: fix warning dependencies or change tool for doc)
- Eslint with Airbnb rules + react support
- Stylelint + prettier-stylelint + concentric css
- PostCss Loader config with stage2 + custom selectors with separate postcss.config.js
- Browserslist
- DotEnv support
- Jest + react-testing-library
- File loader
- Webpack build optimization
- Re-use current tab instead of open a new one. webpack-contrib/webpack-serve#117
- Added PWA support
- PossCss remove the inline comments but this is not supported by stylelint