compile "ch.itds.taglib:asset-pipeline-thymeleaf-taglib:1.1.1"
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns:asset="">
<script asset:src="@{/assets/main.js}"></script>
<link asset:href="@{/assets/main.css}" rel="stylesheet"/>
<meta name="msapplication-TileImage" th:content="${#asset.path('/assets/favicons/mstile-144x144.png')}"/>
If auto-configuration is disabled or not available you must register the dialect as follows:
public class ThymeleafConfig {
public AssetDialect assetDialect() {
return new AssetDialect();
The attribute tag processors try to lookup the file in the generated manifest file. If the file is available the url is rewritten according to the manifest file.
If no entry is found (e.g. in development mode) the url is not modified.