Copyright (c) 2022 Quantori.
SUO-KIF ontology parser is a free open-source parser for SUO-KIF language for ontologies like SUMO in Python based on and integrated with AIIRE Natural Language Understanding Core parser.
This parser is not intended to replace or somehow interfere with Sigma (an integrated development environment for logical theories that extend the Suggested Upper Merged Ontology), which is written in Java and does rather a different job (cf. Sigma documentation for detail).
Neither does kifparser replace the javascript jKif parser, which is a 'SUO-KIF to JavaScript parser, which allows you to easily parse SUO-KIF ontologies into JavaScript objects'.
This parser is written totally in Python, is lightweight, is easily integrated into Python code, and is intended not to be an ontology editor or just an extractor, but rather to be a universal coverter from SUO-KIF into other ontology formats and structures and knowledge representations.
This parser is tested with SUMO ontology files and can be used for any other SUO-KIF files.
- Parse SUO-KIF ontology files
- Extract concepts with attributes from KIF formulas
- Apply implications, perform inference
- Export the extracted ontology to AIIRE and other formats
To install, do:
pip install
Please read for details.
kifparser [-h] [--implications] [--no-implications] infile expressions_file concepts_file relations_file SUO-KIF parser. positional arguments: infile Input KIF file path or - for stdin expressions_file Output CSV file path for the expressions table or - for stdout concepts_file Output CSV file path for the concepts table or - for stdout relations_file Output CSV file path for the relations table or - for stdout optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --implications Apply implications inference --no-implications Do not apply implications inference (default) -d, --debug Print debugging information -v, --verbose Be verbose
from kifparser import KIFParser
Kifparser is released under Apache License, Version 2.0