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  • This project serves as an interactive learning for HashiCorp Vault's AppRole and to an extend Docker container.


Overview of our setup


docker-compose --version


  • To run this project, run following commands:
git clone

cd docker-vault-approle

# This can take a long time for the first run
docker-compose up -d --build
  • Confirm that you have 3 containers running in your local:
docker ps
  • If you don't see 3 containers running, there may be something wrong. Try to troubleshoot:
docker-compose logs
  • Set up SSH connection between orchestrator and app containers

Instructions for demo

Confirm hostnames and verify SSH connection

  • Open separated 3 terminals so that we can see 3 containers at the same time.

  • Run following commands for each terminal:

# Terminal 1
docker container exec -it vault /bin/sh

# Terminal 2
docker container exec -it --user orchestrator orchestrator /bin/bash

# Terminal 3
docker container exec -it --user app app /bin/bash
  • Then run command hostname in each terminal

  • You should see 3 different hostnames since we're in 3 different containers

  • Verify we can SSH into app container from orchestrator container:

# In `orchestrator` container
ssh app@app

# Type 'yes' for prompt
  • Type hostname in orchestrator container again, now you should see the hostname changes to app's hostname
# In `orchestrator` container

# verify that hostname changed to app's hostname

# logout from SSH connection

Create secrets, roles, policies in Vault

Create secrets

  • In vault container, run:
vault kv put secret/hello-world PASSWORD1=12345 PASSWORD2=abcde

# If you want to see the actual API call made by vault:
vault kv put -output-curl-string secret/hello-world PASSWORD1=12345 PASSWORD2=abcde
  • Note: everything in Vault is treated as a path or a resource. You will see that applies to role and policy as well when we create them.

  • Note: this step can be done in Vault UI at http://localhost:8200 (Root token is myroot)

  • Confirm we can retrieve secrets

vault kv get -field=PASSWORD1 secret/hello-world
vault kv get -field=PASSWORD2 secret/hello-world

Enable AppRole authentication method

vault auth enable approle

Create roles

  • In vault container, run:
# Create role 'orchestrator'
vault write auth/approle/role/orchestrator secret_id_ttl=120m token_ttl=60m token_max_ttl=120m

# For more info about role 'orchestrator'
vault read auth/approle/role/orchestrator

# Create role 'app'
vault write auth/approle/role/app secret_id_ttl=120m token_ttl=60m token_max_ttl=60m

# For more info about role 'app'
vault read auth/approle/role/app
  • secret_id_ttl: how long a secret id can be used to get a fresh token before expired.

  • token_ttl: how long a generated token can be used to retrieve secrets before expired. A generated token can be renewed if token_max_ttl is not expired or exceeded.

  • token_max_ttl: The maximum lifetime for generated tokens. This current value of this will be referenced at renewal time.

Create policies

  • In vault container, Create a policy called hello-world-policy to read secret in secret/data/hello-world:
vault policy write hello-world-policy -<<EOF
path "secret/data/hello-world" {
  capabilities = ["read", "list"]
  • In vault container, create a new policy called orchestrator-policy, which manages app role:
vault policy write orchestrator-policy -<<EOF
path "auth/approle/role/app*" {
  capabilities = ["create", "read", "update", "delete", "list"]

Grant policies to AppRoles and generate Role IDs and Secret IDs

Grant policies

  • In vault container, grant orchestrator role with policy orchestrator-policy:
vault write auth/approle/role/orchestrator policies=orchestrator-policy
  • In vault container, grant app role with policy hello-world-policy:
vault write auth/approle/role/app policies=hello-world-policy

Generate Role IDs and Secret IDs

  • In vault container, generate Role ID and Secret ID for orchestrator role:
# Generate role id for 'orchestrator' role
vault read -field=role_id auth/approle/role/orchestrator/role-id

# Generate secret id for 'orchestrator' role
vault write -force -field=secret_id auth/approle/role/orchestrator/secret-id

# Please copy Role ID and Secret ID to your clipboard or notepad, we'll use them later
  • In vault container, generate Role ID and Secret ID for app role:
# Generate role id for 'app' role
vault read -field=role_id auth/approle/role/app/role-id

# Generate secret id for 'app' role
vault write -force -field=secret_id auth/approle/role/app/secret-id

# Please copy Role ID and Secret ID to your clipboard or notepad, we'll use them later
  • Note: You can think of Role ID as a username and Secret ID as a password.

Login to AppRole with Role IDs and Secret IDs

  • We are done with our Vault setup. Now let's confirm if our new roles have the correct permission.

  • Note: Please reference Role ID and Secret ID you saved in this section

  • In orchestrator container, run:

# TODO: replace empty strings with orchestrator's Role ID and Secret ID
vault login $(vault write -field=token auth/approle/login role_id="" secret_id="")

# For more info
vault token lookup
  • In app container, run:
# TODO: replace empty strings with app's Role ID and Secret ID
vault login $(vault write -field=token auth/approle/login role_id="" secret_id="")

# For more info
vault token lookup
  • You should see a success message. If not, some steps may be missing or not done correctly.

Verify permission

  • In orchestrator container, verify if we can generate Role ID for app role:
vault read -field=role_id auth/approle/role/app/role-id

# However, these will fail. Why?
vault kv get -field=PASSWORD1 secret/hello-world
vault kv get -field=PASSWORD2 secret/hello-world

vault read -field=role_id auth/approle/role/orchestrator/role-id
  • In app container, verify if we can read secrets in secret/data/hello-world
vault kv get -field=PASSWORD1 secret/hello-world
vault kv get -field=PASSWORD2 secret/hello-world

# After verifying everything's good, logout
rm ~/.vault-token

Run Ansible playbook to build and deploy Java application

  • Note: Please reference Role ID and Secret ID you saved in this section

  • In orchestrator container, deploy application using ansible playbook:

cd /data/ansible

ansible-playbook ansible-playbook-deploy-app.yml --inventory=inventory.yml
  • In app container, check the application's log:
tail -n 1000 -f /home/app/logs/spring-vault.log
  • Go to http://localhost:8888/ to see all the secrets and app's Role ID and Secret ID

  • Try to add another secret in Vault and see if the API is updated

Extra: Change token_ttl and see how the log changes

  • In vault container, run this command to update token_ttl=10s:
vault write auth/approle/role/app token_ttl=10s
  • In orchestrator container, redeploy the application:
cd /data/ansible

ansible-playbook ansible-playbook-deploy-app.yml --inventory=inventory.yml
  • In app container, check the application's log:
tail -n 1000 -f /home/app/logs/spring-vault.log

Extra: Revoke Secret ID

  • There is no CLI support for revoking Secret ID. However, we can do it using Vault API.

  • In orchestrator or vault container, run:

# TODO: replace empty string with Secret ID to revoke
curl -i -X POST \
     -H "X-Vault-Request: true" \
     -H "X-Vault-Token: $(vault print token)" \
     --data '{"secret_id": ""}' \


docker-compose down -v

Run a complete demo in one command

docker-compose up -d --build




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