+--------+ +----------+ +----------+
| Radio +--> listen +----> Log File |
+--------+ +----+-----+ +----------+
+----v-----+ +----------+
|process.sh+----> mqqt +
+----+-----+ | +----+-----+
| | |
| | +----v-----+ +---------+
Raspberry Pi | +-> Database |----> Website |
| +----------+ +---------+
+----v-----+ +----------+ +---------+
Server | mqtt +----> Database +----> Website |
+----------+ +----------+ +---------+
The listen
C++ daemon listens for incoming messages on the RFM69 radio module. It currently expects tab delimited integer plain text messages from the nodes, with the first integer being the ID of the node, but this is to be expanded to secured and/or two way communication.
Output from listen
is piped into the process.sh
bash script, which forwards it to a local or external mosquitto server.
With the mqtt2db.sh
script sensor data from the mqtt server can be logged in a Mysql/MariaDB database and from there used for graphing the data on a website.
All configuration for the C++, BASH, and PHP parts is inconf/listen.ini
, see details there.
- listen - C++ source
- config - Configuration
- bin - Binaries and scripts
- html - Website
- db - Database creation script
- lib - External libraries
wget http://www.airspayce.com/mikem/bcm2835/bcm2835-1.50.tar.gz;
tar xvfz bcm2835-1.50.tar.gz;
cd bcm2835-1.50;
sudo make install
cd ..
cd listen
cd ../bin
./listen &
If you want to use the latest versions of the included libraries:
cd lib
git clone https://github.com/benhoyt/inih.git
git clone https://github.com/hallard/RadioHead.git
cd ..
Install mosquitto_pub and mosquitto server, and start publishing messages on topic \mysensors#
apt-get update
apt-get install mosquitto-clients mosquitto
./listen | process.sh &
Edit config/listen.ini and/or process.sh to change mosquitto settings. Defaults are host "localhost", no SSL, no username/password.
- edit process.sh and add the -d flag to mosquitto_pub
- enter:
mosquitto_sub -t "#" -v
, then in a second session enterecho "PUB topic message" | ./process.sh
and should output the message in your first session window.
apt-get install mariadb-server
mysql < db/create_db.sql
To log on the same machine as listen
, adapt config/listen.ini, add username/password as required (or create file ~/.my.cnf). Start the service with bin/listen | bin/process.sh &
To log on a different machine as listen
, set the db_* and mqtt_* settings in listen.ini and start the service with bin/mqtt2db.sh &
Get row count
mysql -e"select count(*) from sensor.log;" -s --skip-column-names
apt-get install apache2 php libapache2-mod-php php-mysql
ln -s <your install path>/html /var/www/html/sensor
Edit config/listen.ini and set database info.
Browse to http://localhost/sensor
Note: no need to symlink the config directory, the php script will execute on the original location and will locate the config directory. This also protects your passwords from being visible from the web.