Common string formatters
There's no such thing as universal formatters collection, but ... Ha, and this one library is just a set of several controversial workarounds. What can be said in defense? Smaller is better.
import {formatMoney, formatNumber, formatCardPan, formatPhone, formatPercent} from '@qiwi/common-formatters'
formatMoney(12345.6789) // '12 345,68'
formatMoney(12300.45, {currencyCode: 'RUB', fractionDelimiter: '.'}) // '12 300.45 ₽'
formatMoney(123.45, {currencySymbol: 'Foo'}) // '123,45 Foo'
// Available opts
strict?: boolean
digitDelimiter?: string
fractionDelimiter?: string
fractionLength?: number
currencyCode?: string
currencySymbol?: string
currencyPosition?: 'left' | 'right'
currencySpacer?: string
sign?: boolean
fractionRemoveZeros?: boolean
formatNumber(12345.6789) // '12 345,6789'
formatNumber(12345.6789, {digitDelimiter: ',', fractionDelimiter: '.'}) // '12,345.6789'
// Opts
digitDelimiter: string;
fractionDelimiter: string;
fractionLength?: number;
strict: boolean;
sign: boolean;
formatPercent(0.123) // '12,30%'
formatPercent(567, {sign: true, fractionLength: 0}) // '56 700%'
// Opts
strict: boolean;
digitDelimiter: string;
fractionDelimiter: string;
fractionLength: number;
multiplier: number;
sign: boolean;
// Basic cases
formatPhone('1234567') // 123-45-67
formatPhone('12345678') // 1234-5678
formatPhone('12345') // 1-23-45
formatPhone('1234567890') // 1234567890
// Format by mask
formatPhone('79876543210', {mask: '+* *** ***-**-**'}) // +7 987 654-32-10
// Format by opts
formatPhone('223344', {countryCode: '7', areaCode: '8443', areaBrackets: true, phoneNumberDelimiter: '_'}) // +7 (8443) 22_33_44
// Opts
blocksDelimiter: string;
countryCode: string;
areaCode: string;
areaBrackets: boolean;
areaCodeLength: number;
countryCodePrefix: string;
countryCodeLength: number;
phoneNumberLength: number;
phoneNumberDelimiter: string;
mask: string;
formatCardPan('1234567812345678', {digitDelimiter: '-'}) // '1234-5678-1234-5678'