Transform DevOps Team from IAC delivery (deploying "standard" template) to Platform Enablement Team. Shinto is an extensible framework, allowing platform teams to standardize CICD processes and deployments across the enterprise.
- Integrates with AWS Control Customizations via Event Bridge
- Easily add Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) vendors or new pipeline stages
The Shinto Advantage
- Fully automated CI/CD
- Accelerate delivery
- Reduce negative impacts of manual scripting
- Repeatable consistent deployments across multiple environments
- Turnkey application packaging
- Integrated Quality and Security Scans
- Simplified Disaster Recovery
- Request Shinto Access Token (email: [email protected])
- Create git repository for shinto samples (
- Update .npmrc file with Shinto Access Token
- Install Shinto Manager (npm install @mrwconsulting/shinto-manager --global)
- Access AWS Console, create codestar connection to git repository
- Install Shinto Platform
> cd shinto-samples/extras > [update install.json with you account specific information] > shinto-manager install --profile shinto-manager
- Enter Shinto Access Token received from (email: mark@mrwconsulting). Follow the prompts
Shinto Framework is an accelerator for DevOps teams for CDK-based pipelines. CICD Pipeline is the reference implementation for self-service AWS CodePipeline. Development teams submit a property file to the service to register a CDK pipeline. This will kick off the creation of the pipeline. In addition, pipeline will self-configure (mutate) based on different values and attributes set within a property file.
Quality Gates (Code Coverage) are verifications inside the CICD pipeline to prevent code from moving forward if it doesn't meet the specified quality criteria. Some examples are below:
- Finding what parts of code are covered by tests
- Finding what parts of code are not covered by tests
- Remove dead code.
CDK CICD Pipeline supports following quality gates:
Shinto Framework can easily be updated to support other vendor implementations
Containerize Applications (no more writing dockerfiles)—build optimized docker images for applications without deep mastery of docker best-practices.
- Fast - Deploy changes quickly by separating applications into multiple layers, splitting dependencies from classes.
- Reproducible - Rebuilding a container image with the same contents always generates the same image. Never trigger an unnecessary update again.
CDK CICD Pipeline supports following docker image building technologies:
Imaging supports following image scanning technologies:
Shinto Framework can easily be updated to support other vendor implementations