@ UCB Data Structure, 2020 Fall
@ Instructor: Josh Hug
@ Course Website
The CS 61 series is an introduction to computer science, with particular emphasis on software and machines from a programmer's point of view. CS 61A covered high-level approaches to problem-solving, providing you with a variety of ways to organize solutions to programming problems as compositions of functions, collections of objects, or sets of rules. In CS 61B, we move to a somewhat more detailed (and to some extent, more basic) level of programming.
- This repository contains all the assignments of the course CS61B, completed by Chen Qiu.
Project Index | Detailed Requirements | Quick Link to My Solution |
Project 0 | NBody Simulation | proj0 |
Project 1A | ArrayDeque & LinkedListDeque | proj1a |
Project 2AB | Extrinsic PQ and KDTree | proj2ab |
Project 2C | AStarSolver | proj2c |
Project 2D | Bear Maps | proj2d |
Project 3 | Bulid Your Own World | proj3 |
- you can view it on this webpage: bearmaps_20fall_chen