Releases: python-visualization/folium
Releases Β· python-visualization/folium
What's Changed
- Actually drop python 3.8 by @hamdanal in #2031
- Add py.typed file for Mypy by @hamdanal in #2030
- Allow jscode in **kwargs throughout Folium by @hansthen in #2029
- Implement the
method on Evented by @hansthen in #2023 - Add OverlappingMarkerSpiderfier Plugin by @swtormy in #2033
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.18.0...v0.19.0
What's Changed
Breaking changes
- Correct type annotations in Realtime by @hansthen in #1960
- Add a date_option (format string) parameter to the choropleth timeline slider by @hansthen in #2003
- Add feature_group parameter to Draw plugin by @hansthen in #2001
- Add event handlers to the Draw plugin by @hansthen in #2000
Bug fixes
- Fix opened_symbol option in TreeLayerControl by @Doyley1 in #1981
- Fix a typo in by @hansthen in #2004
- Fix Selenium heatmap test by using fixed figure size by @Conengmo in #2010
- add fiona dep and ensure latest geopandas by @ocefpaf in #2012
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.17.0...v0.18.0
What's Changed
Breaking changes
New features
- Add layer control tree plugin by @hansthen in #1895
- Add Timeline plugin by @hansthen in #1870
- Add
plugin: Enable creating PolyLine and Polygon from encoded string by @achieveordie in #1928 - Add Evented base class by @hansthen in #1959
- Update Map zoom_control variable to also allow string to set position by @berrfred in #1884
- Add a custom container to the realtime plugin by @hansthen in #1869
- Add custom Template class with tojavascript filter by @Conengmo in #1912
- Drop Bootstrap 3 but keep glyphicons by @Conengmo in #1914
- Override css and js links by @hansthen in #1898
- Realtime: cleanup factory method use by @hansthen in #1931
Bug fixes
- fix
styling by @ocefpaf in #1935 - Fixes styling on tag filter button by @hansthen in #1925
- repair max_zoom and max_native_zoom by @Conengmo in #1952
- Change
lat&lon bound type annotations from int to float by @JonasVerbickas in #1954
- remove test for unused Branca get_templates() by @Conengmo in #1919
- cleanup fit_bounds.js template from tests by @Conengmo in #1920
- Fix tests by @ocefpaf in #1967
- Fix crs deprecation in geopandas by @ocefpaf in #1968
- docs: rework Plugins page into a tabular format by @achieveordie in #1889
- Remove one more deprecated example notebook by @Conengmo in #1913
- docs: mark logo as dark mode safe by @Conengmo in #1924
- Fix small issues with Timeline and TreeLayerControl docs by @Conengmo in #1923
- Add link to custom geocoder plugin by @hansthen in #1927
- Minor docs fixes by @ocefpaf in #1936
- Use better dev version number in docs by @Conengmo in #1922
- Remove NASAGIBS Blue Marble example by @Conengmo in #1918
- Automatically create docs PR on release by @merschformann in #1965
- Create by @Conengmo in #1969
New Contributors
- @achieveordie made their first contribution in #1889
- @berrfred made their first contribution in #1884
- @andyforrest made their first contribution in #1896
- @JonasVerbickas made their first contribution in #1954
- @merschformann made their first contribution in #1965
Thanks to everyone who contributed!
Full Changelog: v0.16.0...v0.17.0
What's Changed
New features
- GeoJSON: option to keep layer highlighted when popup is open by @GiuseppeGalilei in #1836
- Add leaflet-realtime plugin by @hansthen in #1848
- Geocoder plugin: support other built-in providers by @prusswan in #1852
- Add ability to set font size in plot by @this-josh in #1879
- Geojson: allow null geometry objects by @hansthen in #1858
- Realtime plugin: allow str for JsCode arg by @Conengmo in #1862
- GeoJson: documentation for popup_keep_highlighted argument by @GiuseppeGalilei in #1854
- Add tile layer to example by @danmaps in #1874
- Fixed typos of examples in code by @S-Panta in #1881
New Contributors
- @GiuseppeGalilei made their first contribution in #1836
- @hansthen made their first contribution in #1848
- @prusswan made their first contribution in #1852
- @danmaps made their first contribution in #1874
- @S-Panta made their first contribution in #1881
- @this-josh made their first contribution in #1879
Full Changelog: v0.15.1...v0.16.0
What's Changed
New features
- Use xyzservices instead of templates for tiles by @martinfleis in #1827
- Add TimeSliderChoropleth stroke colour/width/opacity argument by @yutemi in #1838
Bug fixes
- Improve docstring preview readibility in by @BastienGauthier in #1833
- Fix streamlit-folium incompatibility (add layer to map with new class) by @Conengmo in #1834
New Contributors
- @yutemi made their first contribution in #1838
Full Changelog: v0.15.0...v0.15.1
Breaking changes
- Drop support for Python 3.5 and 3.6 (@ocefpaf #1729)
- Remove deprecated Stamen tiles (@ocefpaf #1811)
- Remove
instance attributes (@Conengmo #1817) - Use write_png from Branca, remove from Folium (@Conengmo #1708)
- Remove deprecated Map.choropleth method (@Conengmo #1684)
- Change internally where layers are added to the map (@Conengmo #1690)
New features
- Draggable layer control option (@Conengmo #1760)
- Add fit enabled overlays feature (@Conengmo #1693)
- Add type hints (@Conengmo #1677)
- Update jquery to v3.7.1 (@BastienGauthier #1824)
- Update leaflet.fullscreen plugin to 3.0.0 (@afontenot #1818)
- Allow Choropleth key_on to traverse through array (@amrutharajashekar #1772)
- Support TagFilterButton in PolyLine, AntPath and GeoJson (@jamiechoi1995 #1756)
- Multiple instances of TimeSliderChoropleth on a single map (@Conengmo #1749)
- Make VectorGridProtobuf an overlay by default (@iwpnd #1723)
- TimestampedWmsTileLayers inherit from MacroElement, not Layer (@Conengmo #1696)
- SideBySideLayers inherit from MacroElement, not Layer (@Conengmo #1695)
- Consolidate duplicate utility functions with Branca (@Conengmo #1676)
Bug fixes
- Fix interaction between DualMap and Draw (@Qweaper #1776)
- Fix MeasureControl plugin for Leaflet>=1.8.0 (@Conengmo #1748)
- Pin older version of leaflet side by side to fix SideBySideLayers plugin (@jtmiclat #1732)
- Fix Map.show_in_browser() by adding local file prefix to url (@RileyLeff #1704)
- Deprecate example notebooks (@Conengmo #1798)
- Documentation overhaul (@Conengmo #1700)
- Update example notebooks after new Pandas version (@Conengmo #1761)
New Contributors
- @francesco-ballarin made their first contribution in #1685
- @RileyLeff made their first contribution in #1704
- @jtmiclat made their first contribution in #1732
- @jamiechoi1995 made their first contribution in #1756
- @Qweaper made their first contribution in #1776
- @afontenot made their first contribution in #1818
- @BastienGauthier made their first contribution in #1824
Full Changelog: v0.14.0...v.0.15.0
Breaking changes
- Use keyword arguments as CSS properties in FloatImage (@Conengmo #1668)
- Upgrade Leaflet 1.6.0 to 1.9.3, set default font size (@Conengmo #1660)
- Upgrade Bootstrap 3.2.0 to 5.2.2 (@Conengmo #1650)
New plugins
- Add GroupedLayerControl plugin (@chansooligans #1592)
- Add SideBySide plugin (@fralc #1292)
- Add TagFilterButton plugin (@Waffleboy #1343)
Major improvements
- Add optional Jenks Natural Breaks Optimization to Choropleth (@pmains #1634)
- Add Map.show_in_browser() method (@Conengmo #1651)
- Accept TileProvider objects from the xyzservices package (@martinfleis #1498)
- Add support for Vega-Lite v4 and v5 (@wd60622 #1525)
- Upgrade Font Awesome 4.6.3 to 6.2.0 (@Sujithkumardola #1637)
Minor improvements
- Allow cql_filter argument in WmsTileLayer (@Conengmo #1673)
- Silently allow lowerCamelCase for vector path options (@Conengmo #1672)
- Allow html popups and templating in ClickForMarker (@Conengmo #1666)
- Add show_geometry_on_click argument to Draw plugin (@Conengmo #1657)
- Automatically join string and numeric key_on values for Choropleth (@alessioarena #1193)
- Add speed_slider argument to TimeStampedGeoJson (@gokyori #1279)
- Add gradient option to vector path options (@nocturnalAndroid #1433)
- Add initial timestamp argument to TimeSliderChoropleth (@jjbenes #1435)
- Allow passing TileLayer to Map (@Conengmo #1624)
- Use fullscreen window in Map._to_png() (@Conengmo #1656)
- Expose webdriver argument in Map._to_png() (@WooilJeong #1620)
- Export the map only in Map._to_png() (@Vayel #1197)
Bug fixes
- Fix LayerControl visibility on multiple renders (@Conengmo #1674)
- Fix the new TagFilterButton plugin, it's not a Layer (@Conengmo #1671)
- Fix TopoJson object path lookup (@Conengmo #1665)
- Fix Choropleth when
is a list of integers (@Conengmo #1664) - Fix attribution links in Notebooks opening within iframe (@Conengmo #1655)
- Fix empty geojson failing when using style_function (@agussman #1213)
- Fix Marker location validation for numpy array (@Conengmo #1647)
- Fix date sorting in TimeSliderChoropleth (@Ade-StapleHill #1503)
- Fix unescaped backticks in Popup (@Conengmo #1642)
- Fix
when using GeometryCollection (@amrutha1098 #1633) - Fix ClickForLatLng not imported in init (@amrutha1098 #1627)
- More Flask examples (@Conengmo #1675)
- Add PolyLine example to Quickstart.ipynb (@IamPhytan #1492)
Thanks to:
- Lazy popup: only load content on click (@marciogranzotto #1511)
- Add Leaflet.VectorGrid plugin: VectorGridProtobuf (@iwpnd #1576)
- Add blur parameter to HeatMapWithTime plugin (@Demetrio92 #1529)
- New ClickForLatLng class: click to save lat/lon to clipboard (@BibMartin #1530)
- Add width parameter to css for FloatImage (@beautah #1570)
- Add support for tooltips in TimestampedGeoJson objects (@tblundy #1472)
- Expose GeoJson's web retrieval to its own function (@beautah #1458)
Bug fixes
- Thanks to @oefe, @Demetrio92 and @giswqs for helping out with the documentation