Набор Sage-примеров для курса [«Разработка прикладных программ на языке программирования Python» (UNИX, 2015)] (https://uneex.ru/LecturesCMC/PythonDevelopment2015)
1.1, 2.1: here.
Illustrates breadth-first search algorightm (searching for the shortest path between 2 vertices). Vertices are highlighted with
- white -- not visited
- pink -- current
- gray -- already visited (won't look again)
Source code in graph.sage.
1.2, 2.2: here. Note: big maze animation may take several seconds to compute on the server.
Illustrates path search from upper-left to bottom-right corner of the maze (using DFS algorithm).
Source code in animation-maze.sage.
3.1: here.
BFS. Same as 2.1 but runs on interactively generated random graphs with specified densities.
Source code in interact_graph.sage.
3.2: here.
DFS over a randomly generated maze. Same as 2.2, but has interactive elements.
Source code in interact_maze.sage.