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* File:    README
* CVS:     $Id$
* Author:  Philip Mucci
*          [email protected]
* Mods:    <your name here>
*          <your email address>

This directory contains:

README			This file.
LICENSE.txt		The text of the PAPI license.	
INSTALL.txt		Instructions for installing on all supported platforms.
RELEASENOTES.txt	Information about recent releases.
ChangeLogPxxx.txt	Detailed log of changes committed to the repository.
doc/ 			User documentation and support files.
				See doc/README for details.
man/ 			Stuff related to PAPI man pages. See man/README for details.
src/ 			The PAPI library source files and support files.
				See src/README for more details.

Getting Started

If this is the first file you've opened in the PAPI tree, we'll try to give you
a few tips on where to go from here.

- Read the license found in LICENSE.txt. It's pretty short, and not very 
  restrictive, but it'll give you an idea of what you can and can't do with the
  PAPI sources.
- Visit the website at: <>
  There you can find late-breaking news that may be more current than in these
  files. You can also find documentation in a greater variety of formats than
  in the papi/doc/ directory.
- Sign up for the PAPI mailing list(s). Instructions are on our home page.
- Read the RELEASENOTES.txt file to get an idea of what's new in the current release.

Installing PAPI

To install PAPI on your system:
- Find the section in INSTALL.txt that pertains to your hardware and operating
- Follow the directions to install required components and build the PAPI
- Run the test suite when you are finished to verify that everything went ok.
  NOTE: Although we make every attempt to get all tests to PASS or SKIP on all
  platforms, there are occasional instances of FAILures due to excessively 
  tight compliance thresholds or platform idiosyncrasies. Don't panic if one
  or two tests FAIL. Contact us with complete output and we'll see what we can do.

Using PAPI

To use PAPI in your own programs:
- Read the PAPI Overview found at:
- Try out the utility programs in /utils to see what's in your system.
- Try a test program. Source for a number of tests in both C and FORTRAN is
  available in the src/tests/ and src/ftests/ directories. Find a program
  that's similar to what you want to do. Make sure you can build it and run it.
- Write a test program of your own, exercising the PAPI events and features of
  interest to you.
- Go for broke. Fold PAPI calls into your sources and see what you can learn.

Bugs and Questions
- Visit our FAQ at: <>
  or read a snapshot of the FAQ in papi/PAPI_FAQ.html
- Subscribe to the PAPI mailing list at:
- Read historical postings to the list.
- Post questions to the list.
- Post bugs to the TRAC bug tracker at: