Releases: pwitvoet/wadmaker
WadMaker & SpriteMaker 1.3
This release adds support for replacing embedded textures, making qpics, fullbright textures (for certain Quake engines), better support for working with 8-bit indexed images, a workaround for a Half-Life animated sprite bug, and the ability to ignore specific files. It also comes with several other improvements and bugfixes.
New features:
- Support for fullbright textures (for vkQuake and Quakespasm users):
- Support for qpic (simple) images:
- Preserving the palette of 8-bit indexed bmp or png input files.
- Extracting textures as png, jpg, gif, bmp or tga files, or as 8-bit indexed bmp or png files.
- Replacing embedded textures with textures from a wad file:
WadMaker.exe from.wad to.bsp
- Extracting embedded textures to a wad file:
WadMaker.exe from.bsp to.wad
- An 'ignore' config file setting, which makes it possible to ignore specific files or file types.
- Water fog color is now preserved when extracting textures, and it can now be set via a filename setting.
- Config file rules are now applied in order of appearance, and their settings are overlayed correctly.
- External conversion tools can now be used to generate mipmap or fullbright mask images.
- Improved error messages for incorrect use of WadMaker.
- Textures with invalid inputs are now removed from the output wad file when doing an incremental update.
- Several filename and extension checks have been made case-insensitive.
- Wad files with corrupted textures no longer fail to load.
- Invalid embedded textures no longer cause texture extraction and texture removal to fail.
- Input folders with names ending with .wad, .bsp or .spr no longer cause failures.
New features:
- A 'duplicate-last-frame' config file setting, to work around a Half-Life animated sprite bug.
- Preserving the palette of 8-bit indexed bmp or png input files.
- Extracting sprites as png, jpg, gif, bmp or tga files, or as 8-bit indexed bmp or png files.
- An 'ignore' config file setting, which makes it possible to ignore specific files or file types.
- Config file rules are now applied in order of appearance, and their settings are overlayed correctly.
- Improved error messages for incorrect use of SpriteMaker.
- Extracted gif files do not have ugly pixel artifacts anymore.
WadMaker & SpriteMaker 1.2.1
This release contains no new features compared to v1.2, except for the following changes:
- WadMaker and SpriteMaker are now single, self-contained executables, which means no .NET Framework dependency anymore.
- WadMaker and SpriteMaker are now available as native Linux executables (64-bit).
WadMaker & SpriteMaker 1.2
This release introduces SpriteMaker, a command-line tool for creating Half-Life sprites.
- Workflow: converts directories full of images to directories full of sprites, similar to how WadMaker works. Can also convert sprites back to images.
- Efficiency: only modified files and settings are processed.
- Configuration: common settings like sprite orientation and texture format can be configured within an image's filename. Other settings can be specified in spritemaker.config files.
- Flexibility: accepts various image formats (png, jpg, gif, bmp, tga), Photoshop files (psd, psb) and Krita files (kra, ora). Input images can be true-color and can contain transparency, SpriteMaker will automatically generate a suitable palette. Support for other file formats can be enabled with converter rules (a global spritemaker.config file with example rules for Gimp and Aseprite files is provided).
- Animation: animated sprites can be created with numbered image sequences, spritesheets and/or gif files.
New features/changes:
- Added support for a global configuration file (a wadmaker.config file in the executable's directory). Global rules always apply, unless overridden by a local config file.
- The provided global config file contains example rules for converting Gimp and Aseprite files and instructions on how to enable them.
- Custom converters are no longer forced to output png files, the output file extension must now be specified in the converter arguments.
- Custom converters can now also use {input_escaped} and {output_escaped} placeholders, for when backslashes need to be escaped.
- Fixed a problem where processing transparent images with very little color variation could fail with an 'At least one color must be provided.' error.
- Fixed that the dither-scale setting was not parsed correctly, so it could only effectively be set to 0 or 1.
- Fixed that WadMaker would fail to create a wad file if the output directory did not exist.
- Fixed that mipmaps were not extracted correctly.
- Fixed some cases where WadMaker would fail to create a log file or a directory.
WadMaker 1.1
New features:
- Added support for Photoshop files (.psd, .psb) that have been saved with 'maximize compatibility' enabled.
- Added support for Krita (.kra) and OpenRaster (.ora) files.
- Added support for creating and extracting decal wad files (decals.wad).
- Updated the wadmaker.config system to apply all matching rules (with more specific rules overriding less specific ones).
- Console output is now logged to a file (only in create-wad mode). This can be disabled with a command-line option.
- Fixed that removing an image with an uppercase name would cause updating a wad file to fail.
- Fixed that water color was accidentally black by default.
WadMaker 1.0
The first release of WadMaker, a Half-Life wad making tool.
With this command-line tool you can turn a directory full of images into a Half-Life wad file by simply dropping the directory onto WadMaker.exe. You can also extract textures from wad and bsp files by dropping a wad or bsp file onto the executable. Various texture-specific settings can be overridden by creating wadmaker.config files.