Threadfin version 1.2.0 or higher
python version 3 with pip (tested on 3.12.3)
git clone
pip install mitmproxy
Open with notepad++ or any text code editor
Change to the url of the referer you want to use
Open cmd/terminal window at the location of
Enter the following command changing IP to machine running script and what ever port you want to use
mitmproxy -s --listen-host --listen-port 6088
Download the latest version of threadfin from - Min version required is 1.2.0
Make sure the buffer in settings is ffmpeg (maybe a 4mb buffer) and you have pointed to your ffmepeg binary file
Note latest version of threadfin you set buffer type in playlist settings
Set tuners in settings to at least 2 (you need to do above first before you can set number of tuners)
Assuming you have already loaded your EPG urls ready for your playlist
Load your m3u into threadfin
Give it at least 2 tuners
Under HTTP Proxy IP: put the IP that mitmproxy is on eg
Under HTTP Proxy Port: put the port that mitmproxy is on eg 6088
Save the playlist
Double check everything should be automatically mapped assuming the id tags in your EPG match your Playlist. If not you will need to map all your channels
Add the threadfin m3u/epg address into your player
Just copy and rename to something else
Make any changes to the referer in the file
Enter the command to start mitmproxy changing the file name and port number