Rimworld mod that allows a new texture variant for thin, fat and hulk bodytypes.
This mod provides a way to load, on the fly, a different body texture for thin, fat and hulk females. It will use these names:
Naked_Thin_Female_south.png Naked_Thin_Female_east.png Naked_Thin_Female_north.png
Naked_Fat_Female_east.png Naked_Fat_Female_north.png Naked_Fat_Female_south.png
Naked_Hulk_Female_east.png Naked_Hulk_Female_north.png Naked_Hulk_Female_south.png
I made a simple copy of the original textures for this mod so it won't try to load a texture that doesn't exists. So this mod be itself won't change anything visually, but in conjunction with a texture mode that contains the files above you will be able to see the female variation of those three body types.
Anyone is free to use mod as a pre requisite for your own mod or copy the dll to your own mod.
As I'm making a body retexture mod I will have this mod as a pre requisite for my future mod.
Might not be compatible with HAR, if you are using HAR you probably don't need this anyway.
Male pawn body texture mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2068281501 Female pawn body texture is a variation based on the mod above. All credit for the texture from the screenshot and my future body texture mod goes to ireth92 https://steamcommunity.com/id/ireth92
Mod with source (This mod does not contain the textures from the screenshot): https://github.com/purpleorangegames/FemaleBodyVariants