Install the repo from source
git clone [email protected]:puigde/quackpack.git
pip install .
The main function in quackpack is schedule_cmd_gpus
, its main arguments are:
def schedule_cmd_gpus
command_list: List[GpuJobInfo], # List of commands to schedule
timeout_s: int = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, # Timeout for successful scheduling of commands
sleep_s: int = 3, # Waiting time between successful scheduling of commands
GpuJobInfo contains a string with the job cmd and an integer representing the gpu memory capacity of a job.
GpuJobInfo = namedtuple("GpuJobInfo", ["cmd", "total_mbs_gpus"])
Quackpack will try to fit the job memory in homogeneous chunks in the minimum amount of gpus possible and to the ones that are more free.
Example: scheduling ten experiments with 10k mbs each and a waiting time of 30 seconds between schedules with the default timeout (1w)
import quackpack as qp
cmd_list = ["python experiment_{i}.py" for i in range(1,11)]
cmd_list = [qp.GpuJobInfo(it_cmd, 10*1000) for it_cmd in command_list]
qp.schedule_cmd_gpus(cmd_list, sleep_s=30)
Other arguments:
def schedule_cmd_gpus
command_apply_functions: List[Callable] = None, # list of functions that get cmd string
# and an environment dict and return a modified cmd string for launchtime
debug_on_crash: bool = False, # will open a python debugger if crashed
We can dynamically adapt our commands with command_apply_functions
, for instance, when quackpack schedules into multi-gpu we might want to update the number of processes per node in our torch.distributed.launch
command accordingly. This is done by looking at the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES
env var which quackpack sets when scheduling.
def fresh_n_proc_per_node(cmd: str, env):
return insert_string(
where insert string is a simple utility function that puts a string after another in the command
def insert_string(total_str, previous_str, insert_str):
total_str = total_str.split()
total_str.insert(total_str.index(previous_str) + 1, insert_str)
return " ".join(total_str)
Both functions are found in quackpack and can be called directly with qp.<function>
other examples:
: adds '--master_port={port}' where port is a free port after 'torch.distributed.launch'
Example: scheduling a torch.distributed.launch
with 100Gbs budget with dynamic number of processes and nodes.
import quackpack as qp
cmd = "python -m torch.distributed.launch --some_arg"
command_list=[qp.GpuJobInfo(cmd, 100*1000)],
command_apply_functions=[qp.fresh_port_mod_fn, qp.fresh_n_proc_per_node],
Install dev dependencies
pip install pre-commit black
Install pre-commit hooks
pre-commit install