Tags: pts/pdfsizeopt
Toggle 2023-04-18's commit message
doc: updated download links to v9; this really fixes #160
Toggle 2023-03-09's commit message
updated pdfsizeopt.single
Toggle 2023-03-9's commit message
doc: updated download links; this fixes #160
Toggle 2023-02-24's commit message
updated pdfsizeopt.single
Toggle 2023-02-21's commit message
updated Linux binaries links to pdfsizeopt_libexec_linux-v4.tar.gz; u…
…pdated installation instruction with Docker
Toggle 2023-02-20's commit message
doc: fixed Ghostscript version
Toggle 2017-10-11b's commit message
fixed /Encoding in the output of ConvertType1FontsToType1C; this fixes …
Toggle 2017-09-03d's commit message
added using of pdfslizeopt_libexec/python if available, to pdfsizeopt…
… and pdfsizeopt.single shell scripts
Toggle 2017-09-02w's commit message
updated pdfsizeopt.single
Toggle 2017-08-29w's commit message
updated pdfsizeopt.single
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