This project examines habitat suitability for Sorghastrum nutans in Colorado's national grasslands.
Soil pH, elevation, and climate data were obtained from POLARIS, SRTM, and MACA2 respectively. Along with a calculated aspect variable, these variables were used to estimate habitat suitability for S. nutans in 2050.
The file "final_project_data_analysis.ipynb" contains all code to download and merge data for this project, as well as to create plots and models. All plots and models were saved to the plots folder within this repository as png or html files.
There were issues getting hvplots to appear in a html portfolio file. Instead, a separate portfolio notebook summarizing the findings from the analysis notebook was created and saved as "final_project_portfolio_page.ipynb". This file contains markdown cells with a single bash cell to convert the file to html. PNG images of static plots are embedded in the file. Interactive hvplots are included as links to separate html files.