A bootloader for PIC microcontrollers, that makes your USB capable PIC appear to your computer as a thumb drive. Programming can be done through MPLABX or by simply dragging and dropping your Intel hex file onto the drive. No programmer, drivers or software to install.
- Different crystal options, including NO_XTAL.
- Drag and drop programming or through MPLABX.
- Read user flash as a PROG_MEM.BIN file (PIC18 only).
- Erase user flash by deleting PROG_MEM.BIN (PIC18 only).
- Read and write to EEPROM through a EEPROM.BIN file (PIC18 only).
- Erase EEPROM by deleting EEPROM.BIN (PIC18 only).
Currently supports:
- PIC16F1454
- PIC16F1455
- PIC16F1459
- PIC18F14K50
- PIC18F24K50
- PIC18F25K50
- PIC18F45K50
- PIC18F26J53
- PIC18F46J53
- PIC18F27J53
- PIC18F47J53
For more information visit the Project Page on Hackaday.io.