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Bugfix:: Add missing codegen for mapping of overlapped struct DU fiel…
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…ds and read it in fslib reflection (dotnet#18274)
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T-Gro authored Feb 4, 2025
1 parent 10b812b commit adb02dc
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Showing 16 changed files with 230 additions and 96 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/release-notes/.FSharp.Compiler.Service/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,3 +19,4 @@
* Remove `Cancellable.UsingToken` from tests ([PR #18276](

### Breaking Changes
* Struct unions with overlapping fields now generate mappings needed for reading via reflection ([Issue #18121](, [PR #18274](
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions docs/release-notes/.FSharp.Core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
### Fixed

### Added

### Changed

### Breaking Changes
* Struct unions with overlapping fields now generate mappings needed for reading via reflection ([Issue #18121](, [PR #18274]( Previous versions of FSharp.Core returned incomplete mapping between fields and cases, these older fslib versions will now report an exception.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/Compiler/AbstractIL/ilx.fsi
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -162,6 +162,8 @@ val mkILFormalCloRef: ILGenericParameterDefs -> IlxClosureRef -> useStaticField:
// MS-ILX: Unions
// --------------------------------------------------------------------

val mkLowerName: nm: string -> string

val actualTypOfIlxUnionField: IlxUnionSpec -> int -> int -> ILType

val mkILFreeVar: string * bool * ILType -> IlxClosureFreeVar
47 changes: 40 additions & 7 deletions src/Compiler/CodeGen/IlxGen.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -601,6 +601,29 @@ let voidCheck m g permits ty =
error (InternalError("System.Void unexpectedly detected in IL code generation. This should not occur.", m))

type DuFieldCoordinates = { CaseIdx: int; FieldIdx: int }

/// Structure for maintaining field reuse across struct unions
type UnionFieldReuseMap = MultiMap<string, DuFieldCoordinates>

let unionFieldReuseMapping thisUnionTy (cases: UnionCase[]) : UnionFieldReuseMap =

if not (isStructTyconRef thisUnionTy) then
let fieldKey (f: RecdField) = mkLowerName f.LogicalName

for i = 0 to cases.Length - 1 do
let fields = cases[i].RecdFieldsArray

for j = 0 to fields.Length - 1 do
let f = fields[j]
yield fieldKey f, { CaseIdx = i; FieldIdx = j }
|> MultiMap.ofList

/// When generating parameter and return types generate precise .NET IL pointer types.
/// These can't be generated for generic instantiations, since .NET generics doesn't
/// permit this. But for 'naked' values (locals, parameters, return values etc.) machine
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -702,18 +725,24 @@ and GenTypeAux cenv m (tyenv: TypeReprEnv) voidOK ptrsOK ty =
// Generate ILX references to closures, classunions etc. given a tyenv

and GenUnionCaseRef (cenv: cenv) m tyenv i (fspecs: RecdField[]) =
and GenUnionCaseRef (cenv: cenv) m tyenv (reuseMap: UnionFieldReuseMap) i (fspecs: RecdField[]) =
let g = cenv.g

let fieldMarker = int SourceConstructFlags.Field

|> Array.mapi (fun j fspec ->
let ilFieldDef =
mkILInstanceField (fspec.LogicalName, GenType cenv m tyenv fspec.FormalType, None, ILMemberAccess.Public)
// These properties on the "field" of an alternative end up going on a property generated by cu_erase.fs
let attrs =
(mkCompilationMappingAttrWithVariantNumAndSeqNum g (int SourceConstructFlags.Field) i j)
:: GenAdditionalAttributesForTy g fspec.FormalType
let mappingAttrs =
match reuseMap |> MultiMap.find (mkLowerName fspec.LogicalName) with
| [] -> [ mkCompilationMappingAttrWithVariantNumAndSeqNum g fieldMarker i j ]
| mappings ->
|> (fun m -> mkCompilationMappingAttrWithVariantNumAndSeqNum g fieldMarker m.CaseIdx m.FieldIdx)

let attrs = mappingAttrs @ GenAdditionalAttributesForTy g fspec.FormalType

IlxUnionCaseField(ilFieldDef.With(customAttrs = mkILCustomAttrs attrs)))

Expand All @@ -731,13 +760,15 @@ and GenUnionRef (cenv: cenv) m (tcref: TyconRef) =
match tcref.CompiledRepresentation with
| CompiledTypeRepr.ILAsmOpen _ -> failwith "GenUnionRef m: unexpected ASM tyrep"
| CompiledTypeRepr.ILAsmNamed(tref, _, _) ->
let fieldReuseMap = unionFieldReuseMapping tcref tycon.UnionCasesArray

let alternatives =
|> Array.mapi (fun i cspec ->
altName = cspec.CompiledName
altCustomAttrs = emptyILCustomAttrs
altFields = GenUnionCaseRef cenv m tyenvinner i cspec.RecdFieldsArray
altFields = GenUnionCaseRef cenv m tyenvinner fieldReuseMap i cspec.RecdFieldsArray

let nullPermitted = IsUnionTypeWithNullAsTrueValue g tycon
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -11658,11 +11689,13 @@ and GenTypeDef cenv mgbuf lazyInitInfo eenv m (tycon: Tycon) : ILTypeRef option
| _ -> false)
let alternatives =
let fieldReuseMap = unionFieldReuseMapping tcref tycon.UnionCasesArray

|> Array.mapi (fun i ucspec ->
altName = ucspec.CompiledName
altFields = GenUnionCaseRef cenv m eenvinner.tyenv i ucspec.RecdFieldsArray
altFields = GenUnionCaseRef cenv m eenvinner.tyenv fieldReuseMap i ucspec.RecdFieldsArray
altCustomAttrs =
mkILCustomAttrs (
GenAttrs cenv eenv ucspec.Attribs
Expand Down
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions src/Compiler/TypedTree/TypedTreeOps.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8337,9 +8337,6 @@ let IsMatchingSignatureDataVersionAttr (version: ILVersionInfo) cattr =

let mkCompilerGeneratedAttr (g: TcGlobals) n =
mkILCustomAttribute (tref_CompilationMappingAttr g, [mkILNonGenericValueTy (tref_SourceConstructFlags g)], [ILAttribElem.Int32 n], [])

// tupled lambda --> method/function with a given valReprInfo specification.
Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions src/Compiler/TypedTree/TypedTreeOps.fsi
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2380,8 +2380,6 @@ val mkCompilationSourceNameAttr: TcGlobals -> string -> ILAttribute

val mkSignatureDataVersionAttr: TcGlobals -> ILVersionInfo -> ILAttribute

val mkCompilerGeneratedAttr: TcGlobals -> int -> ILAttribute

// More common type construction
Expand Down
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions src/Compiler/Utilities/illib.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1307,6 +1307,14 @@ module MultiMap =
let initBy f xs : MultiMap<_, _> =
xs |> Seq.groupBy f |> (fun (k, v) -> (k, List.ofSeq v)) |> Map.ofSeq

let ofList (xs: ('a * 'b) list) : MultiMap<'a,'b> =
(Map.empty, xs)
||> List.fold (fun m (k, v) ->
m |> Map.change k (function
| None -> Some [v]
| Some vs -> Some (v :: vs)))
|> (fun _ values -> List.rev values)

type LayeredMap<'Key, 'Value when 'Key: comparison> = Map<'Key, 'Value>

Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/Compiler/Utilities/illib.fsi
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -570,6 +570,8 @@ module internal MultiMap =

val initBy: f: ('a -> 'b) -> xs: seq<'a> -> MultiMap<'b, 'a> when 'b: comparison

val ofList: xs: ('a * 'b) list -> MultiMap<'a,'b> when 'a: comparison

type internal LayeredMap<'Key, 'Value when 'Key: comparison> = Map<'Key, 'Value>

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/FSharp.Core/prim-types.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Core
member _.Minor = minor
member _.Release = release

[<AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.All, AllowMultiple=false)>]
[<AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.All, AllowMultiple=true)>]
type CompilationMappingAttribute(sourceConstructFlags:SourceConstructFlags,
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/FSharp.Core/prim-types.fsi
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -657,7 +657,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Core
/// their original forms. It is not intended for use from user code.</remarks>
/// <category>Attributes</category>
[<AttributeUsage (AttributeTargets.All,AllowMultiple=false)>]
[<AttributeUsage (AttributeTargets.All,AllowMultiple=true)>]
type CompilationMappingAttribute =
inherit Attribute
Expand Down
148 changes: 73 additions & 75 deletions src/FSharp.Core/reflect.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -266,108 +266,103 @@ module internal Impl =

let tryFindCompilationMappingAttribute (attrs: obj array) =
let findCompilationMappingAttributeAllowMultiple (attrs: obj array) =
match attrs with
| null
| [||] -> None
| [| res |] ->
let a = (res :?> CompilationMappingAttribute)
Some(a.SourceConstructFlags, a.SequenceNumber, a.VariantNumber)
| _ -> invalidOp (SR.GetString(SR.multipleCompilationMappings))

let findCompilationMappingAttribute (attrs: obj array) =
match tryFindCompilationMappingAttribute attrs with
| None -> failwith "no compilation mapping attribute"
| Some a -> a
| null -> [||]
| attrs ->
|> (fun res ->
let a = (res :?> CompilationMappingAttribute)
(a.SourceConstructFlags, a.SequenceNumber, a.VariantNumber))

let cmaName = typeof<CompilationMappingAttribute>.FullName
let assemblyName = typeof<CompilationMappingAttribute>.Assembly.GetName().Name
let _ = assert (assemblyName = "FSharp.Core")

let tryFindCompilationMappingAttributeFromData (attrs: IList<CustomAttributeData>) =
let findCompilationMappingAttributeFromDataAllowMultiple (attrs: IList<CustomAttributeData>) =
match attrs with
| null -> None
| null -> [||]
| _ ->
let mutable res = None

for a in attrs do
if a.Constructor.DeclaringType.FullName = cmaName then
let args = a.ConstructorArguments

let flags =
match args.Count with
| 1 ->
let arg0 = args.[0]
let v0 = arg0.Value :?> SourceConstructFlags
(v0, 0, 0)
| 2 ->
let arg0 = args.[0]
let v0 = arg0.Value :?> SourceConstructFlags
let arg1 = args.[1]
let v1 = arg1.Value :?> int
(v0, v1, 0)
| 3 ->
let arg0 = args.[0]
let v0 = arg0.Value :?> SourceConstructFlags
let arg1 = args.[1]
let v1 = arg1.Value :?> int
let arg2 = args.[2]
let v2 = arg2.Value :?> int
(v0, v1, v2)
| _ -> (enum 0, 0, 0)

res <- Some flags


let findCompilationMappingAttributeFromData attrs =
match tryFindCompilationMappingAttributeFromData attrs with
| None -> failwith "no compilation mapping attribute"
| Some a -> a
let filtered =
|> Array.ofSeq
|> Array.filter (fun a -> a.Constructor.DeclaringType.FullName = cmaName)

|> (fun a ->
let args = a.ConstructorArguments

match args.Count with
| 1 ->
let arg0 = args.[0]
let v0 = arg0.Value :?> SourceConstructFlags
(v0, 0, 0)
| 2 ->
let arg0 = args.[0]
let v0 = arg0.Value :?> SourceConstructFlags
let arg1 = args.[1]
let v1 = arg1.Value :?> int
(v0, v1, 0)
| 3 ->
let arg0 = args.[0]
let v0 = arg0.Value :?> SourceConstructFlags
let arg1 = args.[1]
let v1 = arg1.Value :?> int
let arg2 = args.[2]
let v2 = arg2.Value :?> int
(v0, v1, v2)
| _ -> (enum 0, 0, 0))

let tryFindCompilationMappingAttributeFromType (typ: Type) =
let assem = typ.Assembly

if (not (isNull assem)) && assem.ReflectionOnly then
tryFindCompilationMappingAttributeFromData (typ.GetCustomAttributesData())
tryFindCompilationMappingAttribute (typ.GetCustomAttributes(typeof<CompilationMappingAttribute>, false))

let tryFindCompilationMappingAttributeFromMemberInfo (info: MemberInfo) =
let assem = info.DeclaringType.Assembly

if (not (isNull assem)) && assem.ReflectionOnly then
tryFindCompilationMappingAttributeFromData (info.GetCustomAttributesData())
findCompilationMappingAttributeFromDataAllowMultiple (typ.GetCustomAttributesData())
tryFindCompilationMappingAttribute (info.GetCustomAttributes(typeof<CompilationMappingAttribute>, false))
findCompilationMappingAttributeAllowMultiple (
typ.GetCustomAttributes(typeof<CompilationMappingAttribute>, false)

let findCompilationMappingAttributeFromMemberInfo (info: MemberInfo) =
let assem = info.DeclaringType.Assembly

if (not (isNull assem)) && assem.ReflectionOnly then
findCompilationMappingAttributeFromData (info.GetCustomAttributesData())
findCompilationMappingAttributeFromDataAllowMultiple (info.GetCustomAttributesData())
findCompilationMappingAttribute (info.GetCustomAttributes(typeof<CompilationMappingAttribute>, false))
findCompilationMappingAttributeAllowMultiple (
info.GetCustomAttributes(typeof<CompilationMappingAttribute>, false)

let sequenceNumberOfMember (x: MemberInfo) =
let (_, n, _) = findCompilationMappingAttributeFromMemberInfo x in n
let (_, n, _) = findCompilationMappingAttributeFromMemberInfo x |> Array.head

let sequenceNumberOfUnionCaseField (x: MemberInfo) caseTag =
findCompilationMappingAttributeFromMemberInfo x
|> Array.tryFind (fun (_, _, vn) -> vn = caseTag)
|> (fun (_, sn, _) -> sn)
|> Option.defaultValue Int32.MaxValue

let variantNumberOfMember (x: MemberInfo) =
let (_, _, vn) = findCompilationMappingAttributeFromMemberInfo x in vn
let belongsToCase (x: MemberInfo) caseTag =
findCompilationMappingAttributeFromMemberInfo x
|> Array.exists (fun (_, _, vn) -> vn = caseTag)

let sortFreshArray f arr =
Array.sortInPlaceWith f arr

let isFieldProperty (prop: PropertyInfo) =
match tryFindCompilationMappingAttributeFromMemberInfo prop with
| None -> false
| Some(flags, _n, _vn) -> (flags &&& SourceConstructFlags.KindMask) = SourceConstructFlags.Field
match findCompilationMappingAttributeFromMemberInfo prop with
| [||] -> false
| arr ->
let (flags, _, _) = arr |> Array.head
(flags &&& SourceConstructFlags.KindMask) = SourceConstructFlags.Field

let tryFindSourceConstructFlagsOfType (typ: Type) =
match tryFindCompilationMappingAttributeFromType typ with
| None -> None
| Some(flags, _n, _vn) -> Some flags
| [||] -> None
| [| flags, _n, _vn |] -> Some flags
| _ -> invalidOp (SR.GetString(SR.multipleCompilationMappings))

Expand All @@ -379,9 +374,11 @@ module internal Impl =
| null ->
typ.GetMethods(staticMethodFlags ||| bindingFlags)
|> Array.choose (fun minfo ->
match tryFindCompilationMappingAttributeFromMemberInfo minfo with
| None -> None
| Some(flags, n, _vn) ->
match findCompilationMappingAttributeFromMemberInfo minfo with
| [||] -> None
| arr ->
let (flags, n, _) = arr |> Array.head

if (flags &&& SourceConstructFlags.KindMask) = SourceConstructFlags.UnionCase then
let nm = minfo.Name
// chop "get_" or "New" off the front
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -510,8 +507,9 @@ module internal Impl =

caseTyp.GetProperties(instancePropertyFlags ||| bindingFlags)
|> Array.filter isFieldProperty
|> Array.filter (fun prop -> variantNumberOfMember prop = tag)
|> sortFreshArray (fun p1 p2 -> compare (sequenceNumberOfMember p1) (sequenceNumberOfMember p2))
|> Array.filter (fun prop -> belongsToCase prop tag)
|> sortFreshArray (fun p1 p2 ->
compare (sequenceNumberOfUnionCaseField p1 tag) (sequenceNumberOfUnionCaseField p2 tag))

let getUnionCaseRecordReader (typ: Type, tag: int, bindingFlags) =
let props = fieldsPropsOfUnionCase (typ, tag, bindingFlags)
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions tests/AheadOfTime/Trimming/check.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ function CheckTrim($root, $tfm, $outputfile, $expected_len) {
# error NETSDK1124: Trimming assemblies requires .NET Core 3.0 or higher.

# Check net7.0 trimmed assemblies
CheckTrim -root "SelfContained_Trimming_Test" -tfm "net9.0" -outputfile "FSharp.Core.dll" -expected_len 299008
CheckTrim -root "SelfContained_Trimming_Test" -tfm "net9.0" -outputfile "FSharp.Core.dll" -expected_len 300032

# Check net8.0 trimmed assemblies
CheckTrim -root "StaticLinkedFSharpCore_Trimming_Test" -tfm "net9.0" -outputfile "StaticLinkedFSharpCore_Trimming_Test.dll" -expected_len 9149952
CheckTrim -root "StaticLinkedFSharpCore_Trimming_Test" -tfm "net9.0" -outputfile "StaticLinkedFSharpCore_Trimming_Test.dll" -expected_len 9150976

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