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ROS meta-package for a Mobile Manipulation Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (MMUAV)


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ROS meta-package for a aerial manipulators.

Mantis Underactuated-Actuated Quadrotor Mantis Fully-Actuated Hexarotor

Package Summary

The following packages make up the MM-UAV framework. Although not directly listed, many of the packages are managed through Dynamic Reconfigure, and allow for a large amount of runtime tuning / customisation.

Core Packages

These packages provide the core functionality of the MM-UAV framwork. There is an emphasis on providing a centralised mechanism for distributing parameter and state information to the control and add-on packages.

  • mantis_description: Collection of resouces that are used throughout the rest of the meta-package. Includes launch files, meshes, demo scripts, etc.
  • mantis_params: Acts as a centrailised parameter server (and client for other nodes). Interfaces with the ROS parameter server, and can be used to reload MM-UAV configurations "live".
  • mantis_state: Acts as a centrailised parameter state (and client for other nodes). Collects state information from standard ROS sources (e.g. PoseStamped, TwistStamped, JointState) and outputs a syncronised "current system state" message. Also syncrhonises with a parameter client to allow controllers, etc., to ensure that the current state matches the current parameter configuration.
  • mantis_kinematics: This package serves two functions:
    • Provides a solver library that can be queiried from another node to get details like "What is the current end effector transform?". This is syncronised with both the param and state clients.
      • This library currently lacks the functionality to correctly calculate the Coriolis terms, and as such, these values are ignored. This seems to work fine under the assumption of "slow" (read: not highly dynamic) movements.
    • Provides a forward kinematic node that outputs the current TF tree, such that it can be viewed in RVIZ with the robot_description pacakage.
  • mantis_msgs: A collection of common messages specific to this framework.
  • mantis_gazebo: A collection of gazebo plugins that are used to interface with ROS.


The guidance nodes are used to provide the "current referrence" for the control system. This may not be ideal for all controllers, but allows for some additional modularity.

  • mantis_guidance_full: Provides a full reference state for the system (base and all joints), and can be used to perform tasks such as end-effector tracking. This node provides a minimal UI through dynamic reconfigure. You will probably want to use this node for guidance tasks.
  • mantis_guidance_base: Similar to mantis_guidance_full, but only considers the reference for the robot base.
  • mantis_guidance_joints: Similar to mantis_guidance_full, but only considers the reference for the manipulator joints.


The following decoupled controllers are presented as different options to achieve the task of controlling the system. All of the presented controllers work to control attitude. The additional high-level position controller, mavel, performs the task of generating a desired thrust vector.

  • mantis_controller_acro: A naive decoupled multirotor controller (simplified from methods used in projects like PX4)
  • mantis_controller_id: An inverse dynamics controller (technically a CTC method). This method is the most accurate if good inertial measurements are provided.
  • mantis_controller_feed: A hybrid controller that calculates additional thrust values that would be requried to provide manipulator compensation
  • mantis_controller_joints: Spawns a set of decoupled joint controllers, one for each manipulator joint.

Add-on Packages

Other packages that are used in demonstrations, etc. May not be working as expected.

  • mantis_planner: A set of tools that allow for high-level path planning to occur.
  • rqt_mantis_commander: An RQT GUI that allows a user to issue "Go To" commands to the system.
  • mantis_target_detector_ball: Simple image processer to detect a ball target.
  • mantis_target_detector_baton: Simple image processer to detect a batton target.
  • mantis_tools: Not actually a ROS package, but a loose workspace for other assorted tools. Avoid using these, as they may not be up to date or even correct.


The framework can be configured and installed with a combination rosinstall and catkin_make.

ROS Binary Packages

(Unfortunately this listing is not yet complete, please resolve issues as usual during catkin build later on).

QUTAS Packages

This framework build off a set of base packages from the QUTAS Flight Stack. Please refer here for instructions on getting these packages.

Required QUTAS package groups:

  • qfs_base
  • qfs_fc

Recommended QUTAS package groups:

  • qfs_extra
  • qfs_viz

Mantis (and Other) Packages

cd ~/catkin_ws/
curl > /tmp/mantis.rosinstall
wstool merge -t src /tmp/mantis.rosinstall

Build the Framework:

cd ~/catkin_ws/

Running the full SITL environment

Check the mantis_description readme for more information on provided launch files.

For a Single UAV


  1. roscore
  2. roslaunch mantis_description mantis_sim_quad_full_feed.launch
  3. roslaunch mantis_planner plan_loader.launch move:=home

Individual Terminals

  1. roscore
  2. roslaunch mantis_description mantis_sim_quad.launch
  3. roslaunch mantis_description robin_sim_udp.launch
  4. roslaunch mantis_description mantis_sim_controller_feed.launch
  5. roslaunch mantis_planner plan_loader.launch move:=home

For Multiple UAVs


  1. roscore
  2. roslaunch mantis_gazebo mantis_sim_gazebo.launch


Change mantis_uav_X, spawn_x, and spawn_y in the following to match your UAV:

  1. roslaunch mantis_description mantis_sim_quad.launch model_name:=mantis_uav_X spawn_x:=0.0 spawn_y:=0.0 gazebo:=false
  2. roslaunch mantis_description robin_sim_udp.launch model_name:=mantis_uav_X
  3. roslaunch mantis_description mantis_sim_controller_feed.launch model_name:=mantis_uav_X
  4. roslaunch mantis_planner plan_loader.launch model_name:=mantis_uav_X move:=home


This package has been developed during research at the Queensland University of Technology by Kye Morton.


This package has a number of citable works, however please cite the final thesis:

          author = {Kye Morton},
           title = {An extensible framework for nonlinear aerial manipulation},
            year = {2020},
          school = {Queensland University of Technology},
             doi = {10.5204/thesis.eprints.201669},
        keywords = {Aerial Manipulation, Robotics, Nonlinear Control, Autonomous Systems, Multirotor, Manipulation},
        abstract = {This thesis presents a framework to aid in the design of a wide range of aerial manipulation systems. The framework provides an extensible architecture to develop, compare, and contrast new guidance and control methods for aerial manipulators.

Key developments include a range of novel techniques to generate and track practically feasible trajectories, recover from large disturbances, and the ability to perform complex manipulation tasks. The framework is an important step towards safe and reliable aerial manipulation.},
             url = {}

Related publications:

  • Feasible Polynomial Trajectory Planning for Aerial Manipulation. K Morton, A McFadyen, LFG Toro. 2020.
  • Search and retrieve with a fully autonomous aerial manipulator. K Morton, LFG Toro, A McFadyen. 2019.
  • Generalized trajectory control for tree-structured aerial manipulators. K Morton, A McFadyen, F Gonzalez. 2018.
  • Development of a robust framework for an outdoor mobile manipulation UAV. K Morton, LFG Toro. 2016.

Package Name

The name mantis is homage to a praying mantis; a (typically) winged insect with forelegs adapted for catching their prey.


ROS meta-package for a Mobile Manipulation Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (MMUAV)







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