This Website is made for the Hack the web competition held in Navrachna Unviersity, Vadodara.
- Pruthvi Patel - B.Tech CSE
- Harshil Walia - B.Tech CSE
As this website was made as a result of a competition, there was a list of requirements that was needed to be fulfilled.
single page website.
Different active and announced events/competitions have highlighted registration links and they lead to google form or other registration link.
About DSC by Google.
Vision of DSC NUV.
Hall of Fame section is provided with brief titles of different competitions in order of recent past records along with team photo.
- The details of their accomplishment are displayed on mouse hover.
Core team record has been provided and they have been sorted according to serving years from first core team to president with all members’ photos and professional information.
Record of the developers provided keeping in mind all the requirements.
Footer with basic copywrite information.
optimized - According to google's page speed insight tool, the website scored 76 which is above the average in a short time developement.
Dynamic - The feature that may differentiates this website from other websites is that the Events section, Hall of Fame section and the DSC NUV Team section of this website is totally dynamic. This will make it very easy to update the main contents of the website in the future.
Responsive UI - We developed the website for 4 diifrent devices, so no compromize in User Experience.
The GUI of this website is very smooth and organized.
The code of this website is properly organized and clean.
It is very easy to understand and it is efficient and latest and smart technologies have been used in making this.
HTML5 - clean and organized skeleton.
CSS3 - with bootstrap 4.
Javascript - with jQuery for providing clean and powerful dynamicity and smooth User Experience.
UI improvement.
More Ease of Dynamicity.
More smooth experience.