3.4.1-RC1 Firmware for Prusa i3 MK3 and MK2.5
- filament runout detection bug #1154 fixed
- stealth mode bug #1152 fixed
- "filament sensor response is poor, disable it?" feature temporarily disabled
- statistics during active print bug #1151 fixed
- OctoPrint "Printer reset detected" warning #1184 issue fixed
Detailed description of changes:
Stealth mode bug:
This issue manifests itself as slow Z-axis movements. This was caused by a bug in storing custom values to EEPROM (M500 and M501 G-codes). These two G-codes were updated to avoid a similar issue in the future.
"filament sensor response is poor, disable it?" temporarily disabled
This was a new feature introduced with filament sensor engine 2.0. Unfortunately, this feature seems to be too sensitive and unreliable so we disabled it for now and we are working on an improved version of it.