This folder contains a set of scripts which can help manage and administrate a Provena deployment.
There are a few key steps to using the tools, described below.
Move into the scripts folder
cd scripts
Setup a python virtual environment (3.10 recommended)
python3.10 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
All of the tools use Typer CLIs - you can execute the corresponding script using
To get help, use --help
. Some scripts have subcommands. You can also use
on these sub commands.
The tooling environment manager is a python package which handles customising the targeted Provena deployment.
A Provena deployment exposes a set of API endpoints which depend on the base domain name.
In the below examples and Schema, note that the "name" field is the environment name parameter which is required in most of the admin tooling CLI functions.
The environments.json file must satisfy the ToolingEnvironmentsFile
Pydantic schema below:
class ToolingEnvironment(BaseModel):
# Core values
# What is the name of this environment?
name: str
# What is the Provena application stage?
stage: str
# What is the base domain e.g.
domain: str
# What is the auth realm name?
realm_name: str
# In the specified overrides - are there any variables to replace? Specify
# the key (in CLI) and the in text value to find/replace
replacements: List[ReplacementField] = []
# Overrides
# Endpoints are auto generated but can be overrided
# APIs
datastore_api_endpoint_override: Optional[str]
auth_api_endpoint_override: Optional[str]
registry_api_endpoint_override: Optional[str]
prov_api_endpoint_override: Optional[str]
search_api_endpoint_override: Optional[str]
search_service_endpoint_override: Optional[str]
handle_service_api_endpoint_override: Optional[str]
# Keycloak
keycloak_endpoint_override: Optional[str]
# Defaults - overridable
aws_region: str = "ap-southeast-2"
class ToolingEnvironmentsFile(BaseModel):
envs: List[ToolingEnvironment]
In the basic case, you should add an entry for your Provena deployment like so:
"envs": [
"name": "MyProvena",
"stage": "PROD",
"domain": "",
"realm_name": "TODO"
This is the minimum viable environment to target.
- name: The user defined name of the target - keep it short but easy to remember - not used anywhere else
- stage: The application stage - e.g. DEV, STAGE, PROD
- domain: The base domain of the provena deployment- this is postfixed onto the standard set of API endpoints
- realm_name: The keycloak authorisation server realm name
In the RRAP IS team, we use a process we call the "feature deployment" workflow. This means we spin up sandbox Provena instances for feature development. In these cases, the API endpoints have a special prefix depending on a number specific to our process. Let's call this number the 'feature_number'. The environment file structure is capable of handling in-situ replacements which are fed via parameters from the CLI tooling.
E.g. consider this feature branch workflow environment file
"name": "feature",
"stage": "DEV",
"domain": "",
"realm_name": "example",
"replacements": [
"id": "feature_number",
"key": "${feature_number}"
"datastore_api_endpoint_override": "https://f${feature_number}",
"auth_api_endpoint_override": "https://f${feature_number}",
"registry_api_endpoint_override": "https://f${feature_number}",
"prov_api_endpoint_override": "https://f${feature_number}",
"search_api_endpoint_override": "https://f${feature_number}"
Note that we define an id and key for the feature number replacement. The id is the CLI input key. The Key is the value which will be replaced in the API endpoint overrides.
When we use the CLI tools - all the endpoints feature a param
option which can be used multiple times, they have a specific syntax
python sub_command argument1 argument2 --param id1:value1 --param id2:value2
For our feature deployment workflow, we can perform the replacement like so:
python bootstrap-stage feature --suppress-warnings --param feature_number:${ticket_number}
where ticket_number
is passed from the environment.