a-frame snippets and components we might need to create the escape-room experience
a-frame examples for various types of escape-room riddles
templates for world building
- stud.io (LEGO Editor)
- aframe-plus — aframe + watcher (saving from the editor)
- aframe-recast — aframe + recast (navmesh generation)
- collada-to-gltf — DAE to GLB converter (lego.dae → lego.glb)
- js-fx — sound generator
- The Codex (website)
- Escape Room Design Resources (google doc)
- 101 best puzzle ideas for escape rooms
- 200 Escape Room Rätsel-Ideen
- CSS-Selectors (find tags)
- Javascript: querySelector (get tags)
- Javascript: getAttribute + setAttribute (set attributes)
- Javascript: createElement (create tags)
- Javascript: addEventListener (react to events)
- A-Frame docs (official documentation)
- A-Frame extras (great collection of components)
- A-Frame registry (overview of components)
- 3D model converter (lego.dae → lego.glb)
- MecaBricks - online lego editor
- Blender Import LDraw - (lego.ldraw → lego.blend)
- GLTF viewer (testing if a GLTF is broken)
- Character Rigging with Mixamo and Blender