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Stop duplicating your Eloquent query scopes and constraints in PHP. This package lets you re-use your query scopes and constraints by adding them as a subquery.


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Laravel Eloquent Scope as Select

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Stop duplicating your Eloquent query scopes and constraints in PHP. This package lets you re-use your query scopes and constraints by adding them as a subquery.

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  • PHP 8.1+
  • Laravel 10.0

This package is tested with GitHub Actions using MySQL 8.0, PostgreSQL 10.8 and SQLite.


  • Add a subquery based on a query scope.
  • Add a subquery using a Closure.
  • Shortcuts for calling scopes by using a string or array.
  • Support for more than one subquery.
  • Support for flipping the result.
  • Zero third-party dependencies.

Related package: Laravel Eloquent Where Not

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If you want to know more about the background of this package, please read the blogpost: Stop duplicating your Eloquent query scopes and constraints. Re-use them as select statements with a new Laravel package.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require protonemedia/laravel-eloquent-scope-as-select

Add the macro to the query builder, for example, in your AppServiceProvider. By default, the name of the macro is addScopeAsSelect, but you can customize it with the first parameter of the addMacro method.

use ProtoneMedia\LaravelEloquentScopeAsSelect\ScopeAsSelect;

public function boot()

    // or use a custom method name:

Short API description

For a more practical explanation, check out the usage section below.

Add a select using a Closure. Each Post model, published or not, will have an is_published attribute.

Post::addScopeAsSelect('is_published', function ($query) {

The example above can be shortened by using a string, where the second argument is the name of the scope:

Post::addScopeAsSelect('is_published', 'published')->get();

You can use an array to call multiple scopes:

Post::addScopeAsSelect('is_popular_and_published', ['popular', 'published'])->get();

Use an associative array to call dynamic scopes:

Post::addScopeAsSelect('is_announcement', ['ofType' => 'announcement'])->get();

If your dynamic scopes require multiple arguments, you can use an associative array:

Post::addScopeAsSelect('is_announcement', ['publishedBetween' => [2010, 2020]])->get();

You can also mix dynamic and non-dynmaic scopes:

Post::addScopeAsSelect('is_published_announcement', [
    'ofType' => 'announcement'

The method has an optional third argument that flips the result.

Post::addScopeAsSelect('is_not_announcement', ['ofType' => 'announcement'], false)->get();


Imagine you have a Post Eloquent model with a query scope.

class Post extends Model
    public function scopePublished($query)
        return $query->whereNotNull('published_at');

Now you can fetch all published posts by calling the scope method on the query:

$allPublishedPosts = Post::published()->get();

But what if you want to fetch all posts and then check if the post is published? This scope is quite simple, so you can easily mimic the scope's outcome by checking the published_at attribute:

Post::get()->each(function (Post $post) {
    $isPublished = !is_null($post->published_at);

This is harder to achieve when scopes get more complicated or when you chain various scopes. Let's add a relationship and another scope to the Post model:

class Post extends Model
    public function comments()
        return $this->hasMany(Comment::class);

    public function scopePublished($query)
        return $query->whereNotNull('published_at');

    public function scopePublishedInCurrentYear($query)
        return $query->whereYear('published_at', date('Y'));

Using Eloquent, we can fetch all posts from this year with at least ten comments.

$recentPopularPosts = Post::query()
    ->has('comments', '>=', 10)

Great! Now we want to fetch all posts again, and then check if the post was published this year and has at least ten comments.

Post::get()->each(function (Post $post) {
    $isRecentAndPopular = $post->comments()->count() >= 10
        && optional($post->published_at)->isCurrentYear();

Well, you get the idea. This is bound to get messy and you're duplicating logic as well.


Using the power of this package, you can re-use your scopes when fetching data. The first example (published scope) can be narrowed down to:

$posts = Post::addScopeAsSelect('is_published', function ($query) {

With short closures, a feature which was introduced in PHP 7.4, this can be even shorter:

$posts = Post::addScopeAsSelect('is_published', fn ($query) => $query->published())->get();

Now every Post model will have an is_published boolean attribute.

$posts->each(function (Post $post) {
    $isPublished = $post->is_published;

You can add multiple selects as well, for example, to combine both scenarios:

    ->addScopeAsSelect('is_published', function ($query) {
    ->addScopeAsSelect('is_recent_and_popular', function ($query) {
        $query->publishedInCurrentYear()->has('comments', '>=', 10);
    ->each(function (Post $post) {
        $isPublished = $post->is_published;

        $isRecentAndPopular = $post->is_recent_and_popular;


Instead of using a Closure, there are some shortcuts you could use (see also: Short API description):

Using a string instead of a Closure:

Post::addScopeAsSelect('is_published', function ($query) {

// is the same as:

Post::addScopeAsSelect('is_published', 'published');

Using an array instead of Closure, to support multiple scopes and dynamic scopes:

Post::addScopeAsSelect('is_announcement', function ($query) {

// is the same as:

Post::addScopeAsSelect('is_announcement', ['ofType' => 'announcement']);

You can also flip the result with the optional third parameter (it defaults to true):

$postA = Post::addScopeAsSelect('is_announcement', ['ofType' => 'announcement'])->first();
$postB = Post::addScopeAsSelect('is_not_announcement', ['ofType' => 'announcement'], false)->first();



composer test


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Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

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If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


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