The idea of this project is to do song classification using machine learning. We are using a custom dataset of 30 different songs, each 5 seconds long. Noise is added to the songs to make them more realistic. The training set contains 2,400 samples and the test set contains 600 samples.
The goal is to have two models that can classify songs with an accuracy of 90% or higher.
Install the requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Train the models:
Test the models:
The training may take 10-30 minutes depending on your machine. This is because the training step will tune parameters for each model using GridSeach and cross validation. To skip the training step download the model weights in the releases section of this repo.
- K-Nearst Neighbors
- Gaussian Naive Bayes
- Decision Tree
- Random Forest
- AdaBoost + Decision Tree
We are using two different feature extraction methods: Spectrogram and Power Spectrum Density. For more details see the docs/report.pdf.
Model | Accuracy | F1 Score |
RF | 0.998 | 0.998 |
DT | 0.962 | 0.961 |
Model | Accuracy | F1 Score |
RF | 0.977 | 0.977 |
DT | 0.952 | 0.951 |