A quickstart Unity 6 project for Meta Quest uging XR Interaction toolkit and XR Hands
For Unity 2022, use the Unity-2022 branch. For Unity 2021, use the Unity-2021 branch.
- From the Unity-Template-QuestXRHands GitHub repository click the Use this template button, then Create a new repository to create your own project
- Configure your project
- Clone your project locally (best) or download it as zip (but you will loose the link to your GitHub repository)
- In Unity Hub, add project from disk
- Open it in Unity
- From Unity > Window > Package Manager
- Packages: In Project
- Select XR Hands, samples and import:
- HandVisualizer
- Select XR Interaction Toolkit, samples and import:
- Starter Assets
- Hands Interaction Demo
- Open the scene Assets/Demo/Scenes/DemoBomb.unity
- Play
- Edit > Project Settings > Player
- Change the product name
- Select Android tab
- Go down to Package name and edit according to the template com.HEADGeneve.YOUR_DEPARTMENT_YEAR.YOUR_NAME.DemoBomb
- Example: com.HEADGeneve.MMD_2024.RosselPierre.DemoBomb
- Connect the headset
- File > Build Profiles
- Select Android, Switch Platform
- Build and run
- See Console for any errors
- Put the helmet and enjoy