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use parser combinators
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short arrow functions
implement typeName-parser + enum class generator
extract builder function for enum classes
add manyArray & manyArray1 parsers, refactor namespace type object
update kahlan
parse enum constructors
implement enum parser
namespace parsing, hack into spaces() function
parse ns with sub ns
add fpp.php entry point
make use of configuration
namespace parsing is configurable, gen default config file
  • Loading branch information
prolic committed Apr 12, 2020
1 parent 042e443 commit 6a7a9ab
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Showing 148 changed files with 1,535 additions and 15,308 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion LICENSE
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Copyright (c) 2018, Sascha-Oliver Prolic
Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Sascha-Oliver Prolic
All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
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190 changes: 4 additions & 186 deletions
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@@ -1,194 +1,12 @@

## Functional PHP Preprocessor - Immutable data type generator
## Functional PHP Preprocessor - Immutable data type generator

### What it this?

This library can generate immutable data types based on fpp definitions. The syntax is inspired by Haskell.

### YouTube Video Tutorial
## Credits

[![YouTube Video Tutorial](](

### Docs

[See the docs here](

### Sponsor

If you want to support my work, become a patron at [](

### Install

composer require prolic/fpp

### So what is it really?

Create a file and put this in it:

namespace Model\Foo;
data Person = Person { string $name, ?int $age };

This will generate the following php code:

namespace Model\Foo;
final class Person
private $name;
private $age;

public function __construct(string $name, ?int $age)
$this->name = $name;
$this->age = $age;

public function name(): string
return $this->name;

public function age(): ?int
return $this->age;

public function withName(string $name): Person
return new self($name, $this->age);

public function withAge(?int $age): Person
return new self($this->name, $age);

### Enums?

No problem

namespace MyEnum;
data Color = Red | Blue | Green | Yellow deriving (Enum);

$blue = Color::blue();
var_dump($blue->equals(Color::blue())); // true
var_dump($blue->equals(Color::red())); // false

function (MyEnum\Color $color): string
return $color->value();

Enums with value mappings

namespace MyEnum;
data Color = Red | Blue deriving (Enum) with (Red:'someThing', Blue: 13);

var_dump(Color::red()->value()); // 'someThing'
var_dump(Color::blue()->value()); // 13

### Derivings

Derivings are kind of PHP's extends keyword, the following rules apply:

- It's possible to derive multiple times
- Some derivings are not compatible to each other (ie, Command and ToArray cannot be mixed)

There are 14 deriving types for now:

- `AggregateChanged`
- `Command`
- `DomainEvent`
- `Enum(useName)` (default) / `Enum(useValue)`
- `Equals`
- `FromArray`
- `FromScalar`
- `FromString`
- `Query`
- `MicroAggregateChanged` (not extending from prooph/eventsourcing, f.e. for prooph/micro)
- `ToArray`
- `ToScalar`
- `ToString`
- `Uuid`

Deriving Equals + ToArray

namespace Model\Foo;
data Person = Person { string $name, ?int $age } deriving (ToArray, Equals);

Now you can do this:

$p = new Model\Foo\Person(['name' => 'sasa', 'age' => 36]);
var_dump($p->toArray()); // ['name' => 'sasa', 'age' => 36]
$p->equals($p) // true

### Conditions

You can add additional conditions to your code:

namespace Foo;
data FirstName = String deriving (FromString, ToString);
data LastName = String deriving (FromString, ToString);
data Age = Int deriving (FromScalar, ToScalar);
data Person = Person { FirstName $firstName, LastName $lastName, Age $age } | Boss { FirstName $firstName, LastName $lastName } where
| strlen($lastName->toString()) === 0 => 'last name too short'
| $age->toScalar() < 18 => "you\'re too young, sorry"
| strlen($lastName->toString()) < 5 => 'last name too short'
| strlen($firstName->toString()) === 0 => 'first name too short';

### Usage

php bin/fpp.php <source dir or file>
# or
php vendor/prolic/fpp/bin/fpp.php <source dir or file>

It will try to find your composer autoload and fetch psr-4 and psr-0 prefixes from it.
You'll get an exception, if you want to dump a class, where you have no composer autoload definition.

### Features

- [x] Create immutable data types with ease
- [x] Strict types always
- [x] Generate prooph commands
- [x] Generate prooph events
- [x] Generate prooph queries
- [x] Generate prooph aggregate changed events
- [x] Ability to switch dumper implementation for custom output
- [x] Allow composite data objects
- [x] Allow composite prooph objects
- [x] Constructor validation
- [x] Allow creating of custom constructors
- [x] Dump files according to psr-4 and psr-0 autoloading rules
- [x] Array notation for objects and scalar types
- [x] Enum value mappings
- [x] Support for conditions
[Marcello Duarte]( created the [ParserCombinators]( project in 2017.
The rewrite of this library is heavily inspired by it and reuses some of its base functions.
110 changes: 89 additions & 21 deletions bin/fpp.php
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* This file is part of prolic/fpp.
* (c) 2018-2019 Sascha-Oliver Prolic <[email protected]>
* (c) 2018-2020 Sascha-Oliver Prolic <[email protected]>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
Expand All @@ -12,41 +12,109 @@

namespace Fpp;

use Nette\PhpGenerator\PsrPrinter;
use function Pair;

if (! isset($argv[1])) {
echo 'Missing input directory or file argument';

$path = $argv[1];

$autoloader = require __DIR__ . '/../src/bootstrap.php';
$pwd = \realpath(\getcwd());
$vendorName = 'vendor';

$prefixesPsr4 = $autoloader->getPrefixesPsr4();
$prefixesPsr0 = $autoloader->getPrefixes();
if (\file_exists($composerPath = "{$pwd}/composer.json")) {
$composerJson = \json_decode(\file_get_contents($composerPath), true);
$vendorName = isset($composerJson['config']['vendor-dir']) ? $composerJson['config']['vendor-dir'] : $vendorName;

$locatePsrPath = function (Definition $definition, ?Constructor $constructor) use ($prefixesPsr4, $prefixesPsr0): string {
return locatePsrPath($prefixesPsr4, $prefixesPsr0, $definition, $constructor);
if (! \file_exists("{$pwd}/{$vendorName}/autoload.php")) {
echo "\033[1;31mYou need to set up the project dependencies using the following commands: \033[0m" . PHP_EOL;
echo 'curl -s | php' . PHP_EOL;
echo 'php composer.phar install' . PHP_EOL;

$derivingMap = defaultDerivingMap();
require "{$pwd}/{$vendorName}/autoload.php";

$collection = new DefinitionCollection();
$config = [
'use_strict_types' => true,
'one_class_per_file' => true, // @todo this configuration isn't working right now
'printer' => PsrPrinter::class,
'namespace_parser' => Pair(namespaceName, 'buildNamespace'),
'types' => [
Type\Enum\Enum::class => Pair(enum, buildEnum),

try {
foreach (scan($path) as $file) {
$collection = $collection->merge(parse($file, $derivingMap));
} catch (ParseError $e) {
echo 'Parse Error: ' . $e->getMessage();
if ($path === '--gen-config') {
$file = <<<CODE
namespace Fpp;
use Nette\PhpGenerator\PsrPrinter;
use function Pair;
return [
'use_strict_types' => true,
'one_class_per_file' => true, // @todo this configuration isn't working right now
'printer' => PsrPrinter::class,
'namespace_parser' => Pair(namespaceName, 'buildNamespace'),
'types' => [
Type\Enum\Enum::class => Pair(enum, buildEnum),

\file_put_contents("{$pwd}/fpp-config.php", $file);

echo "Default configuration written to {$pwd}/fpp-config.php\n";

if (\file_exists("{$pwd}/fpp-config.php")) {
$config = \array_merge_recursive($config, require "{$pwd}/fpp-config.php");

try {
dump($collection, $locatePsrPath, loadTemplate, replace);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception: ' . $e->getMessage();
if (empty($config['types'])) {
echo "\033[1;31mNo parser found, check your fpp-config.php file\033[0m" . PHP_EOL;

echo "Successfully generated and written to disk\n";
// bootstrapping done - @todo: make this bottom part more FP stylish
$parser = zero();

foreach ($config['types'] as $type => $pair) {
$parser = $parser->or(($pair->_1)());

$namespaceParser = $config['namespace_parser']->_1;

$toDump = \Nil();

fn ($f) => Pair(manyList($namespaceParser($parser))->run(\file_get_contents($f)), $f)
)->map(function ($p) use ($config, &$toDump) {
$parsed = $p->_1->head();
$filename = $p->_2;

if (\strlen($parsed->_2) !== 0) {
echo "\033[1;31mSyntax error at file $filename at:\033[0m" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
echo \substr($parsed->_2, 0, 40) . PHP_EOL;

$toDump = $toDump->combine($parsed->_1);

$toDump->map(function ($ns) use ($config) {
\var_dump(dump($ns, $config));

21 changes: 14 additions & 7 deletions composer.json
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"require": {
"php": "^7.1"
"php": "^7.4",
"phunkie/phunkie": "^0.11.1",
"nette/php-generator": "^3.3.4"
"require-dev": {
"mikey179/vfsstream": "^1.6.5",
"phpunit/phpunit": "^8.2",
"kahlan/kahlan": "^4.7.4",
"prooph/php-cs-fixer-config": "^0.3",
"satooshi/php-coveralls": "^2.0",
"phpstan/phpstan": "^0.12.2"
"satooshi/php-coveralls": "^2.0"
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"Fpp\\": "src/"
"files": [
"autoload-dev": {
"psr-4": {
"FppTest\\": "tests/"
"FppSpec\\": "spec/"
"bin": [
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8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions demo/enum.fpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
namespace Foo\Bar {
enum Color = Red | Green | Blue
enum Human = Man | Woman

namespace Foo {
enum Ok = Right | Wrong

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