This is a prototype of replacing almost the entirety of the Apache OpenWhisk server components with Knative. The goal would be to keep existing OpenWhisk clients, developer tooling, and integrations working unchanged against a new OpenWhisk that builds on top of Knative and Kubernetes exclusively.
You'll need a recent go
. You'll also want this repository
checked somewhere under $GOPATH/src
You'll also need a working Knative installation.
dep ensure
You'll need the istio ingress to invoke your actions.
ISTIO=$(minikube ip):$(kubectl get svc knative-ingressgateway -n istio-system -o 'jsonpath={.spec.ports[?(@.port==80)].nodePort}')
go run ./cmd/kwsk-server/main.go --port 8080 --istio $ISTIO
For GKE-based Knative, the istio ingress is a LoadBalancer type instead of Nodeport type like it is on minikube. And you have to use port 80. So, if you are using GKE-based Knative do the following:
ISTIO=$(kubectl get svc knative-ingressgateway -n istio-system -o yaml | grep ip | cut -d ":" -f 2):80
go run ./cmd/kwsk-server/main.go --port 8080 --istio $ISTIO
Use curl for a crude test:
Or via the wsk
CLI like:
wsk property set --apihost ""
cat <<EOF >hello.js
function main(params) {
var name = || 'stranger';
var greeting = 'Hello ' + name + '!';
return {payload: greeting};
wsk action create hello hello.js
wsk action list
wsk action get hello
wsk action invoke hello -r -p name world
kubectl logs $(kubectl get pod | grep hello.*deployment | awk '{print $1}') -c user-container
wsk action create jello test/etc/action.jar --main Hello
wsk action create pello test/etc/ --kind=python:default
wsk action create zippy test/etc/ --kind=nodejs:default
It's possible to run the upstream OpenWhisk tests against this server
using the scripts in the test/bin
directory. They rely on a recent
version of minikube started with specific options:
Once you have knative installed, running the tests is simple:
The default test matching pattern is system.basic.WskRest*
but you
can override that using the TESTS
environment variable, e.g.
TESTS="system.basic.WskRestBasicNode8Tests" ./test/bin/
The latest upstream repo is cloned to test/openwhisk
so the first
time you run
will take a long time due to compilation.
Subsequent runs will be faster since the test/openwhisk
directory is
not deleted. You can manually delete it, of course, to force a rebuild
of the latest upstream OpenWhisk.
The server just contains a but of stubs and unimplemented code right now. Read through the go-swagger docs to see how to get started with actual implementations.
The handlers for each API call have autogenerated stubs in restapi/configure_kwsk.go. Work has started to move out implementions for each type into their own file, such as restapi/configure_kwsk_actions.go.
The parameters, responses, etc for all actions are strongly typed. You can view the types and their interfaces at restapi/operations/.
This server was generated using go-swagger with the command:
swagger generate server -A Kwsk -P models.Principal -f apiv1swagger.json