Task is to create a TODO list application using React ala ToDO MVC
- Visual Studio Code (or your editor of choice)
- Node.js
- Yarn
- Make a Fork of this repository and start coding.
- List all ToDo items
- Add item to ToDo list
- Mark item in ToDo list as completed
- Filter list on all / active / completed items
- Number of items in current selected filter list
- Empty completed items list
Workshop is split into 4 different projects:
- ES2015 - Use pure es2015 for best browser support without transpiling
- ES2016 - Enable the use of modern Javascript and transpile for browser support
- ES2016_jsx - Use of JSX code style in React components
- Typescript - Get typesafety using Typescript for writing React components
All projects have hot reloading enabled. Go to the directory matching the project you want to run and run yarn && npm run start
and start coding.