Simple to set up authenication designed for the NGINX RTMP module to stop anyone else on your network being able to publish to your endpoint
This is NOT a perfect solution and is not a replacement for good security practises and common sense. It's designed for school/university environments with sufficiant protection as to be a step forward from no authentication and nothing more; not to provide proper defense on the internet. RTMP is an insecure protocol so credentials can more than likely be found if an attacker knows how to use wireshark. Again, this is to stop students from being able to publish to campus streams without likely getting caught by other IT security measures, it will likely not stop a bad actor on a network you don't have control over.
add the line
on_publish http://localhost:[PORT]/;
To your rtmp application config in your nginx.conf file, default port is 8086
Reccommended use is daemoised using pm2
cd [RBAN install folder]
pm2 start index.js [-- -p PORT]
Really not ideal, but if need be run
npm install
npm start [-- -p PORT]
Coming soon...maybe...?