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Authentication provider for Microsoft AD FS to use with privacyIDEA.


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This project builds on Stephan Traub's original provider v1.3.8.2.


If you face issues, please check the sections below on how to generate information that can be used to find the problem.


To use the provider, the .NET Framework 4.8 is required on the target machine.


The dll that is created by this solution requires to be signed to be deployed. Change the key file to your own in the project settings of the provider.

Windows Server 2019

If you use a Windows Server 2019 please activate TLS 1.x for your .NET because TLS 1.0 is deprecated. Adding "SchUseStrongCrypto"=dword:00000001 to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft.NETFramework\v4.0.30319 and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft.NETFramework\v4.0.30319 fixes the problem.


Run the MSI.

Event Log

Errors will be written to the Windows Event Log in the AD FS/Admin category. To get a more detailed log, activate the debug_log setting as explained in the next section.


The provider is configured using the registry. The keys are located at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NetKnights GmbH\PrivacyIDEA-ADFS. After changing the configuration, the AD FS Service has to be restarted for the changes to become active. This can be done using the PowerShell command Restart-Service adfssrv.

Key Name Explanation
url The url of the privacyIDEA server. Has to include https://!
disable_ssl Set to 1 if ssl verification should be disabled. DO NOT DISABLE THIS IN A PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT!
debug_log Set to 1 if a detailed debug log should be written. It will be located at C:\PrivacyIDEA-ADFS log.txt.
enable_enrollment Set to 1 if users should automatically enroll a TOTP code if they do not have any other tokens enrolled. !!! This feature is deprecated in favor of the new enrollment that can be controlled from the privacyIDEA server starting v3.8.0, and will be removed in a future version of this provider. !!!
realm Set the realm that should be appended to every request. If this is empty, the realm parameter will be omitted from requests.
service_user Set the username of a privacyIDEA service account that can be used to trigger challenges. Configuring this is only required to use the trigger_challenges or enable_enrollment settings!
service_pass Set the password of a privacyIDEA service account that can be used to trigger challenges. Configuring this is only required to use the trigger_challenges or enable_enrollment settings!
service_realm Set the realm of a privacyIDEA service account that can be used to trigger challenges. This realm setting can be used if the service account is found in a different realm than the other one specified.
trigger_challenges Set this to 1 to trigger challenges prior to the login using the configured service account. This setting takes precedence over send_empty_pass.
send_empty_pass Set this to 1 to send a request to validate/check with the username and an empty pass prior to the login. This can be used to trigger challenges depending on the configuration in privacyIDEA and requires no service account. If trigger_challenges is enabled, this setting has no effect.
use_upn Set this to 1 to use the Windows UPN ([email protected]) as the username for requests to privacyIDEA.
tls_version If you want to explicite the TLS version, set it to: tls11, tls12 or tls13. Other values will be ignored and TLS version will stay as system default.
forward_headers If you want to forward specific headers to the privacyIDEA server, you can set them here. If the header does not exist or has no value, it will be ignored. The headers names should be separated with ','.
preferred_token_type Set the token type for which the UI should be first shown. This only matters if such token was triggered before. Possible values are otp, push, u2f and webauthn. The default is OTP mode.

Domain to Realm Mapping

It is possible to map different Windows domains to different privacyIDEA realms. To achieve this, add the subkey HKLM\SOFTWARE\Netknights GmbH\PrivacyIDEA-ADFS\realm-mapping. Now you can add REG_SZ entries that have the name of the Windows domain and the value of the corresponding privacyIDEA realm. Note that the realm mapping takes precedence over the general realm that can be configured as explained in the previous section.


Errors in the provider can be found by looking at the Windows Event Log or activating the debug_log setting. If the installer fails to install/uninstall the Provider, a logfile for that process can be created using the cmd:

install: msiexec /i ADFSProvider.msi /L*V install.log

uninstall: msiexec /x ADFSProvider.msi /L*V uninstall.log

The problematic part will probably be found in the last third of the log file.

If the provider fails to uninstall, you can uninstall it manually by navigating to C:\Program Files\PrivacyIDEA AD FS\ and run the uninstall script. Doing this will leave the registry untouched and the provider in the installed software list. To remove it from the list, remove it's registry entry at HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Installer\Products\.