I created this website during DeltaHacks 5 which took place on 26/27 Jan 2019. This website is my attempt at the Triangle Challenge : Donation Shop Webpage - Food4Kids with the Original Problem statement below :
Food4Kids is looking for a webpage that will offer donors the ability to purchase specific items that will go into bags for the children to receive. Ideally this will be one page that acts as a grocery store for donors to pick and choose their items.
It's my first time solving a real-world problem using Web Development, which was really fun to play around! Since I wanted to experiment, I tried to make it from the ground.
- Prithvi Jethwa
- JavaScript
- Bootstrap
Clone the Repository. Open the index.html file
This project is hosted on Github Pages - https://prithvijj.github.io/dh5_project/
Uses other JS libraries and modules to help create a better website, instead of recreating the wheel by yourself.