A plugin that contains common data structures to create Manimations.
To install, simply run the following command:
pip install manim-data-structures
Simply use the following line of code to import the package:
from manim_data_structures import *
class MainScene(Scene):
def construct(self):
# Create an array
arr = MArray([8, 7, 6, 5, 4])
# Animate array
self.play(arr.animate.shift(UP * 2.5 + LEFT * 5))
# Animate array element
self.play(arr.animate_elem(3).shift(DOWN * 0.5))
# Animate array element mobjects
self.play(arr.animate_elem_square(0).set_fill(BLACK), arr.animate_elem_value(0).rotate(PI / 2).set_fill(RED), arr.animate_elem_index(0).rotate(PI / 2))
# Display array with hex values
arr2 = MArray([0, 2, 4, 6, 8], index_hex_display=True, index_offset=4)
self.play(arr2.animate.shift(DOWN * 2.5 + LEFT * 5))
# Create customized array
arr3 = MArray([1, 1, 2], mob_square_args={'color': GRAY_A, 'fill_color': RED_E, 'side_length': 0.5}, mob_value_args={'color': GOLD_A, 'font_size': 28}, mob_index_args={'color': RED_E, 'font_size': 22})
# Append element
# Append customized element
self.play(Write(arr2.append_elem(12, mob_square_args={'fill_color': BLACK})))
# Update value of element
self.play(Write(arr2.update_elem_value(3, 0, mob_value_args={'color': RED})), arr2.animate_elem_square(3).set_fill(WHITE))