New model checking functionality:
- expected reward to satisfy a co-safe LTL formula (MDPs, D/CTMCs, all engines)
- interval iteration (MDPs, D/CTMCs, all engines)
- topological value iteration (MDPs, D/CTMCs, explicit engine)
- expected total reward (R[C] operator) for CTMCs and MDPs (max), all engines
- CTL model checking in the explicit engine
- non-probabilistic LTL model checking in the explicit engine
- instantaneous reward computation (Rmax/min[I=x]) in the explicit engine
- DTMC transient probability computation for the explicit engine
Imports and exports:
- model import from explicit files for the explicit engine (-import... switches)
- full import of labels during explicit model import (all engines)
- import of state rewards during explicit model import (symbolic engines)
- export of state rewards from explicit engine
- export of models to .dot format via the -exportmodel switch
- built-in support for Nailgun client/server
- new timeout feature (-timeout switch)
- performance improvements in explicit engine
- GUI also supports -javamaxmem switch to set Java memory
- better error handling when CUDD runs out of memory
- various bug fixes and performance improvements
Features for developers:
- new ModelGenerator interface for specifying models programmatically
- extensions to test mode: complex expressions for RESULT specifications
- prism-auto: new options/features (e.g., --show-warnings, --nailgun, --ngprism, --verbose-test)
- DD debugging options: -dddebug and -ddtrace switches, improved ref count debugging
- new option -exportiterations for visualising iterative numerical methods
- code base now allows/assumes Java 8