This repo contains 5 branches:
- Master
- Clients request multi-sequence numbers which are returned by proxies.
- Corfu
- An implementation of the main Corfu protocol atop our sequencer. Clients get sequence numbers and interact with servers directly.
- CorfuMason
- An implementation of CorfuMason which uses proxies for scalability and contiguity. Clients execute operations through proxies.
- RSMKeeper
- An implementation of ZooKeeper over Raft. We modified the proxy/ code to execute ZooKeeper operations.
- ZK-Mason
- A scalable implementation of ZooKeeper atop Mason. setup scripts and scripts for parsing results.
This repo also contains a modified version of eRPC and uses code from willemt/raft which is contained in the Emulab disk image.
Note: if you run into problems please check the Troubleshooting section at the bottom.
These instructions are for Mason on Emulab with d430s running Ubuntu 18.04. These directions install and configure DPDK/hugepages for use with eRPC, and gather information from each machine to facilitate automated experiment-launching.
First, the user should change their default shell to bash: on Emulab/CloudLab top right "your-user-name" drop down -> Manage Account -> Default Shell -> bash. It may take a few minutes for it to change. All of our scripts assume bash is the default shell.
On Emulab use the mason
profile under the project Mason
This profile contains d430s connected with 10Gb NICs, with nodes: sequencer-0, sequencer-1, proxy-#, client-#, server-#.
There is also a genilib script emulab_genilib
in this repository you can use to create the same profile.
More explicit instructions from a previous user which work for Emulab as well as CloudLab (all of our experiments were conducted over Emulab):
You can find this profile on CloudLab as follows.
* From the menu, choose "Experiments -> Start Experiment".
* In the resulting screen, click "Change Profile".
* In the dialog, go to the search box (upper left) and enter "mason".
* Scroll down in the list if necessary, and choose the "Mason" profile.
Then click the "Select Profile" button and proceed with the usual experiment-instantiation process.
The default machine numbers are the largest setup for corfumason.
We recommend starting an experiment with the largest setup (corfumason) and then modifying setup/machine_info.txt
to later change the configuration (described more below).
Once an experiment has started ssh
into any node (e.g. proxy-0) and clone this repository; we recommend cloning into /proj/your-project/
to avoid disk usage quota issues when running experiments.
On Emulab cloning to this directory or your home directory should clone it to every node through Emulab's NFS. If this doesn't work see Troubleshooting.
into the setup/
directory in this repo.
Copy the experiment "List View" from Emulab into setup/machine_list.txt
. The file should look something like this:
sequencer-0 pc### d430 ready n/a project/image ssh -p 22
sequencer-1 pc### d430 ready n/a project/image ssh -p 22
proxy-0 pc### d430 ready n/a project/image ssh -p 22
proxy-1 pc### d430 ready n/a project/image ssh -p 22
proxy-2 pc### d430 ready n/a project/image ssh -p 22
client-0 pc### d430 ready n/a project/image ssh -p 22
Then run python3 [your Emulab username]
This script parses the list of machines from machine_list.txt
, sets up hugepages and DPDK, and outputs machine_info.txt
Ensure setup completed successfully with status 0.
If you run into an indexing issue or if there problems ssh
'ing, for example many permission denied errors, see Troubleshooting.
To make all components run bash
You can clean and make all components with bash --clean
To build each component run bash
or cd into the component's directory and run make
Run experiments with python3 [your Emulab username]
Run bash results
to aggregate the throughput and show median client latencies.
Output is aggregrate-throughput 50 99 99.9 99.99 percentile
Default values are set in each branch to get the highest throughput at reasonable latency on the smallest scale experiment in the paper.
Each branch has the script
. This script will run enough experiments to recreate each figure. Though one trial each where in the paper we use 5 trials each and take the median throughput and median latencies. To run fewer experiments or on a smaller setup modify the loop parameters in
For the largest experiments some clients non-deterministically fail on startup.
will detect this, delete the corresponding results-
dir and restart the experiment. If the user notices the failure during a run ^C
will terminate the run and
will still detect, delete, and restart the run.
We include the largest configuration for each figure below. To assign nodes to a different role (proxy/server/client), after setting up the machines with DPDK, you can change the name manually in machine_info.txt
and then use
To change a machine type, for example from a proxy to a server, open setup/machine_info.txt
choose which proxy to change and replace proxy-#
to server-#
The main experiment script
will use the names to determine the type of machine.
For example, after running the largest corfumason experiment, you can change some proxies to servers to make 24 servers.
Note if you are running with smaller configurations than the largest configurations we give below, then proxies should be a multiple of 3, servers a multiple of 2 for Corfu and 3 for ZooKeeper.
Largest configurations:
master: 2 sequencers 48 proxies 16 clients 0 servers (66 total).
The easiest way to run experiments is for the user to use
which will iterate through 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 proxies and 1, 2, 4, 8 sequence spaces increasing client load for each pair.
The user can also choose a sequence space count and to double throughput double --nproxies
and --nproxy_leaders
and double the load --nclients
For example, after cloning the repo and setting up the machines as above a user can run the following to create on trial of each data point:
git checkout master
bash --clean
bash <username>
Largest configurations:
corfu: 2 sequencers 0 proxies 16 clients 8 servers (26 total)
corfumason: 2 sequencers 72 proxies 24 clients 8 servers (106 total).
Double --ncorfu_servers --nproxies --nproxy_leaders --nclients
. Or:
git checkout corfu
bash --clean
bash <username> --appends
bash <username> --reads
or for CorfuMason.
git checkout corfumason
bash --clean
bash <username> --appends
bash <username> --reads
The default option of --corfu_replication_factor
2 should be used. This implies --ncorfu_servers/--corfu_replication_factor
is the number of corfu shards. CorfuMason uses 6 replicated proxies per shard (the value used in
Largest configurations:
rsmkeeper: 0 sequencers 3 proxies 1 client 0 servers (4 total)
zk-mason: 2 sequencers 48 proxies 16 clients 24 servers (90 total)
Double --nservers --nproxies --nproxy_leaders --nclients
may need to be varied to find the right throughput/latency tradeoff.
Or run a full suite for RSMKeeper:
git checkout rsmkeeper
bash --clean
bash <username> --setDatas
bash <username> --getDatas
For ZK-Mason:
git checkout zk-mason
bash --clean
bash <username> --setDatas
The ratio of proxies to shards in
(2 replicated proxies per ZK shard) should be used if running manually with
For ZK-Mason --getDatas experiments there are hardcoded parameters which need to be modified and all components then rebuilt depending on the number of shards in the experiment.
The user, after building with the correct parameters (below) should modify the outer loop in
to only run for the shard configuration for which the user built.
The 3 hardcoded parameters for ZK-Mason getData experiments that need to be set based on the number of ZK-Mason shards in the experiment: INIT_N_BLOCKS in common.h which controls the initial number of blocks in the bitmap that hols received sequence numbers, BYTES_PER_BLOCK in common.h which controls the size of the blocks, and GC_TIMER_US in proxy/proxy.h which controls how often the garbage collection leader proxy initiates garbage collection. They should be set to the following before compiling components:
1 shard: INIT_N_BLOCKS: 1, BYTES_PER_BLOCK 65536, GC_TIMER_US: 10000
2 shards: INIT_N_BLOCKS: 8, BYTES_PER_BLOCK 65536*16, GC_TIMER_US: 10000
4 shards: INIT_N_BLOCKS: 8, BYTES_PER_BLOCK 65536*16, GC_TIMER_US: 100000
8 shards: INIT_N_BLOCKS: 1, BYTES_PER_BLOCK 65536, GC_TIMER_US: 10000
Before building components set #define PLOT_RECOVERY 1
in common.h and uncomment line 19 in ltomake
so that client build with less SESSION_CREDITS
to allow for proxy-to-client eRPC connections.
in ltomake
is a compile time parameter to set kSessionCredits
, a hardcoded value in eRPC/sm_types.h.
It limits the number of connections on a machine.
for a component you need to make clean
the component to rebuild the eRPC code.
Note that when you are configuring SESSION_CREDITS
, clients must have --client_concurrency <= kSessionCredits
otherwise proxies may deadlock waiting for client requests to ensure client-determined order
makes proxies connect to clients to send them noops and clients to record received sequence numbers.
Then rebuild all components bash --clean
python3 <your Emulab username> --client_concurrency 8 --nclient_threads 16 --expduration 30 --nproxies 6 --nclients 4 --nsequence_spaces 4 --kill_leader 6 --nproxy_threads 8 --nproxy_leaders 16 --kill_sequencer 16;
cd recovery;
which kills a proxy leader and the sequencer 10 and 20 seconds into the experiment, respectively, after waiting 4 seconds for warmup. Then cd
s to recovery/
and runs bash
. You may need to install the numpy
and pandas
python3 packages. pip3 install <package>
. This will output recovery.pdf
Run bash results
to aggregate the throughput and show median client latencies. Output is aggregrate-throughput 50 99 99.9 99.99 percentile
When using the
script, one user had an indexing issue which caused the an ssh
command to be incorrect.
If you run into this issue their solution was to change change the 6 to a 7 on line 102: ssh = " ".join(fields[6:]) + " -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "
-> ssh = " ".join(fields[7:]) + " -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "
Note: some users experienced problems with ssh
keys when using CloudLab. To solve these problems the user added an extra ssh
key: "Add an extra ssh key to cloud lab (this is because the easiest way to setup ssh between cloud lab nodes in an experiment is to copy a private key onto one of the nodes); I created an additional/extra key so I can delete this key after the artifact evaluation for privacy/safety", ssh
'ed into a node, and uploaded the private key "Upload your private ssh key onto the node and run the following commands: "
chmod 600 /your/priv/key
eval “$(ssh-agent -s)”
ssh-add /your/priv/key
Another solution is to insert -i <privkey>
to all ssh paths specified in
One user had a problem with Emulab/Cloudlab not syncing the cloned directory over NFS and their solution was to modify
to clone the repo on each node: "Replace line 188 and 189 ( with setup_cmd = ("cd ~; git clone; cd mason/setup; sudo bash %s %s" % (machines[machine]['iface1'], machines[machine]['iface2']))
Alternatively, you can ssh into each machine and manually clone the repo before running the setup script."