- Google Protobufs (2.4.1+, protobuf, protobuf-devel, protobuf-compiler)
- Separate installation for C++ and python
- On Ubuntu build/install from sources (http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/downloads/)
- Python (2.6+)
- BOOST (including system, program-options, ...)
- Google Test Framework. Installs via macports as google-test
- CMAKE (2.x?)
- Google Glog (0.3.2+) Can be installed as google-glog via macports.
We currently also require the Oracle MySQL Connector/C++. NOTE THAT THIS IS UNDER GPL (v2)!!
To install, you need to: cp src/mysql_udfs/merge/libjsmysqludfs_merge.dylib /opt/local/lib/mysql5/mysql/plugin/