Do you want to help us grow? Do you want us to extend our projects and make things faster?
You have the chance to participate in Open Vision and make everything better for everyone:
Do you want to donate anonymously?
bitcoincash: qpsu4jhl5qyze9dklnakjm8mks23lqd0hc49dqf57n
bitcoincore: 19v5Uum2zcuRzYmkekbFeQ5V4nfbB5iLbm
ethereum: 0x6233d20...08EF59d10
Do you want to contribute to Open Vision and you don’t know where to start? is for you.
You could download our builds from
- How to use sdcard images (E.g. raspberrypi):
You could use or similar tools to write the image on a sdcard.
Please use our forum at or our issue page at
- Are you allowed to compile development versions? Yes!
- Are you allowed to distribute development versions? Yes but only with "unofficial-version" tag.
- Are you allowed to make our images compatible with clones? Yes!
- Are you allowed to distribute cloned images? Yes but only with "clone-version" tag.
- Do we support clones? No!
- Are you allowed to make backup of our images? Yes!
- Are you allowed to distribute backup images? Yes but only with "backup-version" tag.
- Do we provide support for self-building? No! We prefer to work on our projects.
- Do we need more Vision Developers? Absolutely yes! Contribute to our git and we will contact you!
- Do we need more Vision Testers? Absolutely yes! Test our images and report bugs, help us grow you'll see the title flows.
- Do we support our image in multiboot situations? No! Check about screen and if our module is not loaded then you're on your own!
If you see your model in it means there will be Open Vision for it otherwise read and don't spam the board!
You could compile Open Vision for so many brands/models:
- Clone openpli-oe-core somewhere:
git clone -b develop --depth 1
- Enter the openpli-oe-core directory:
cd openpli-oe-core
- Clone openvision-oe:
git clone --depth 1
- Run our script (Do not run bitbake or any related script as root!):
cd openvision-oe
If you want to compile an image for only 1 machine just choose "Specific".
If you want to go clean again, do not remove your "sources" directoy! Never!
If you answered something wrong don't worry, just remove "user.ovstep"!
- Removing the "build" directory solves most of the errors. For a fast remove use "rm -rf build". (If you just want to reduce the build size use "".)
- If you want to compile images for old machines like dm800/cube/su980, first build for them.
- If you want to compile images for x64 machines like alienx/kxpx series, first build for them.
- If you want to compile images for 4K machines with ARM architecture and you get error each time, try compile for a Mipsel machine like dm7020hd first then compile your ARM images.