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ABS for Deep Robotics Lite3 Robot

This Repo is based on the work Agile-but-Safe


  • Adapt to the DeepRobotics Lite3 Model
  • Added, using trained ResNet (depth cam to Ray2d)
  • Add opencv viewer for the depth cam in

Setup the Env

Refer to the original repo

Step of Training

run everything in legged_gym/legged_gym,

  1. train the agile and recovery policy, can use "--headless" to disable GUI
# agile policy
python scripts/ --task=Lite3_pos_rough --max_iterations=4000 --headless

# agile policy, lagrangian ver
python scripts/ --task=Lite3_pos_rough_ppo_lagrangian --max_iterations=4000

# recovery policy
python scripts/ --task=Lite3_rec_rough --max_iterations=1000
  1. Play the trained policy
python scripts/ --task=Lite3_pos_rough [--load_run=xxx --resume]
python scripts/ --task=Lite3_rec_rough [--load_run=xxx --resume]

Note: Have to run this to export the serialized .pth policy in the log/[your task]/exported/ folder

In case using depth cam (what we only have on Lite3), run the following

python scripts/ --task=Lite3_pos_rough --num_envs=3

Tips from original repo:

  • Tips 1: You can edit the shift value in Line 93 and the log_root in Line 87 to collect different dataset files in parallel (so you can merge them by simply moving the files), and manually change the obstacles in env_cfg.asset.object_files in Line 63.
  • Tips 2: After collecting the data, there's a template code in to train the ray-prediction network, but using what you like for training CV models is highly encouraged!
  • Tips 3: You may change camera configs of resolution, position, FOV, and depth range in the config file Line 151.

After the ResNet Model is trained and saved, you can run test with ResNet:

(modify the ResNet model path at Line 20)

python scripts/ --task=Lite3_pos_rough
  1. Use the testbed, and train/test Reach-Avoid network:

Note: MUST modify the path to recovery model in Line 222 in Before run with --testRA.

# try testbed
python scripts/ --task=Lite3_pos_rough [--load_run=xxx --resume] --num_envs=1

# train RA (be patient it will take time to converge (more than 5 hours)) 
# make sure you have at least exported one policy by so the exported folder exists
python scripts/ --task=Lite3_pos_rough --num_envs=1000 --headless --trainRA

# test RA (only when you have trained one RA)
python scripts/ --task=Lite3_pos_rough --num_envs=1 --testRA

# evaluate
python scripts/ --task=Lite3_pos_rough --num_envs=1000 --headless [--load_run=xxx] [--testRA]

Notes During Development

  • When migrate from Go1 to Lite3, the reward (velo_dir) have to be modified, otherwise the robot will move backward to target and then turn around. Make sure the robot can move forward, otherwise the training of RA network will fail (no info from the depth camera)
  • Most optimizers was changed from torch.optim.SGD to torch.optim.AdamW . Especially for ResNet model in, a weight decay is crucial to reach a stable loss decrease in the testset.
  • Don't forget to add --resume when you want to load previous model with [--load_run=xxx]

Deployment on Lite3


  • Nvidia Jetson Xavier NX
  • Realsense D435 depth cam

Deploy code Should run it firstly on the NX board.

  • Receive Data from depth camera using pyrealsense2.
  • Resnet inference with CUDA (depth to embedding). (AT 30 fps with 106 * 60 each frame)
  • Send embedding to control board using UDP socket. The reason is I fail to build libtorch with cuda acceleration on NX(aarch64), resulting in a fps<3.
  • run by
    python3 send

Lite3 SDK provided by DEEP Robotics

  • Setup remote folders, run
sudo apt-get install expect
  • Run by
cd Deploy/rl_controller
mkdir build && cd build
sh ../
  • You can choose either build project on the control board (slow) OR set up cross-compilation by set -DSEND_REMOTE=ON in


  • System version ubuntu <= 20.04
  • config the ip, pswd, port, policy_name for robot in scripts
  • aarch64-linux-gnu-g++ should be installed if PC is X86.
  • use -j1 in if build on robot directly
  • Config Raisim path in CMakeLists.txt and enable by -DBUILD_SIM=ON


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