This repository contains all the code required to reproduce all knowledge incorporation experiments given in the paper: 'A decision support system to follow up and diagnose chronic primary headache patients using semantically enriched data'.
It consists of a larger SemanticProcessor
and WFL
module and two scripts (
to generate predictions for different over-sampling techniques and different feature extraction techniques. The
predictions are stored in the output folder, which can then be processed in order to calculate different metrics
(such as accuracy and Cohen's Kappa score) followed by bootstrap testing in order to test statistical significance.
The code can be run with Python3. All dependencies can easily be installed as follows:
(python3 -m) pip install -r requirements.txt
All code to convert the migbase feature matrix to a knowledge graph, and vice versa can be found in the SemanticProcessor
module. In order to generate the migbase knowledge graph and a knowledge graph based on the ICHD document, just run
In order to reproduce the results from the overbalancing experiment, where multiple techniques to combat data imbalance (which occurs when the classifiers the majority class, with the most samples) are compared. We compare the baseline (where no extra technique is applied) with SMOTE, ADASYN, using adjusted weights for samples from the minority class in the split criterion and with sampling data using the prior knowledge using the generated ICHD KG. We fit the sklearn DecisionTreeClassifier after pre-processing. By running python3 --n_simulations <N>
, prediction files are generated (corresponding to the different techniques). Each time, a different split is used in the cross-validation scheme. The prediction files will be stored in output/oversampling/<TECHNIQUE>
First, generate the features that express the distance (in the graph domain) to each class concept, using the Weisfeiler-Lehman kernel. To do this, run
Afterwards, generate prediction files again (stored in output/features/), by running
python3 --n_simulations <N>
After generating prediction files, they can be generated by the
script. It will generate a table with both the mean and stddev of a certain metric, and apply bootstrap significance testing.
Usage: [OPTIONS]
--mode TEXT The mode to use: either "oversampling", "features" or "both"
--metric TEXT The metrics to calculate: either "all" or one from
["accuracy", "kappa", "f1_cluster", "f1_tension",
--help Show this message and exit.
- Generating results for over-sampling methods
- Generating results for feature extraction methods (this requires
to be in thedata/
In case there are any problems with the code, please create an issue. You can always contact me at gilles.vandewiele (at) ugent (dot) be if needed.