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Darren edited this page Feb 4, 2016 · 1 revision

Supported IRC Commands

A lot of IRC commands are transparently relayed to the server. However a large number are handled seperately to make it easier to use IRC. The handled commands are found below while any not listed will be relayed to the server.

Default Aliases

  • /p => /part
  • /me => /action
  • /j => /join
  • /q => /query
  • /w => /whois
  • /raw => /quote

General IRC commands

  • /msg $target $message

  • /action $message

  • /query $nick

  • /notice $target $message

  • /join $channel [$key], [$channel [$key]]

  • /part [$channel]

  • /kick $nick

  • /nick $new_nick

  • /topic [$channel] $topic

  • /whois [$nick]

  • /whowas [$nick]

  • /ctcp $target $ctcp_command [$ctcp_args]

  • /quote $raw

  • /clear

  • /ignore [$user_mask]

  • /unignore $user_mask

Helper commands

  • /op $nick
  • /deop $nick
  • /hop $nick
  • /dehop $nick
  • /voice $nick
  • /devoice $nick
  • /k /kick $nick

Server commands

  • /server [$server_address] [$server_port]

Client settings

  • /settings

  • /set $setting_name [$new_value]

  • /save

  • /alias [$alias $rule]

  • /alias del $alias

  • /script

Developer helpers

  • /applet $applet_name
  • /css
  • /js $script_url