this tool helps you quickly generate beautiful database/ER diagrams for your postgres db schema :
- the script auto-generates the code by detecting postgres db schema
- this code(sample) can be then copy pasted onto an online tool called
(NOTE: in case your /usr/bin/python
doesn't point to anything then just run sudo ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python
and if you've multiple versions and your python is pointed to python2 and not python3, please use python3/pip3 instead of python/pip in all the steps and change first line of generate_code to #!/usr/bin/env python3
git clone [email protected]:praveensinghrajput23/dbdiagram.git
cd dbdiagrams
(optional) - use python virtual environment :
python -m venv env
source ./env/bin/activate
- install pre-requisite installation for psycopg2 (you could also install postgresql, otherwise libpq-dev and python-dev work):
sudo apt-get install libpq-dev python3-dev
pip install -r requirements.txt
- conn_string : this is a database connection string setting
- table_schema : default set to public
- exclude_views : true/false to include/exclude views in the diagram
- exclude_tablenames_like : a comma separated list - if any of the table contains one of these text - it will be excluded, leave empty if nothing needs to be excluded
- output_filepath : this is the file where the output code will be saved into
- update all the
parameters carefully in settings.conf - run ./generate_code
- copy the generated code from the output file and visit website, once on the diagram page - paste it onto the code panel on the left. This should generate the diagram, make sure all the info is as desired - specially the references/table relationships.
- you can screenshot the diagram and save image file or you can create an account if you like the tool (i've no affiliation) !