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Python Test Framework with Behave, Playwright, and BehaveX

A robust test automation framework built with Python, utilizing Behave for BDD, Playwright for browser automation, and BehaveX for parallel execution. The framework supports Allure and BehaveX HTML for reporting, and integrates seamlessly with Elasticsearch and Kibana for advanced test result analysis and visualization.


  1. Execute pip3 install -r requirements.tx
  2. Set up allure-report
       # Linux
     Download from
     Execute: sudo dpkg -i allure_*_all.deb
     Execute: allure --version
    Ref Link:
  3. Execute playwright install (To install Playwright browsers)
  4. Setup resources/details.ini as
       delete_old_reports = true [false]
       start_docker_compose = false [/true] (if false then framwork assumes selenium is running already. Required only if PLaywright is ruuning on Selenium)
       password_for_sshpass = "passowrd" (this has no affect but can be useful if anyone want to start docker-compose where sudo is required)
       headless = true [/false]
       allow_tracing = true [/false]
       tags =  (Provide specifi tag like tags = @QA-1)
       add_in_elk = false [/true] (if true then framework assuemes elastic search is running)
                   - if add_in_elk is true the set elk_url =
       send_report_on_email = true [/false]
                   - if send_report_on_email is true the provide below:
                         - token =  (Check Notes -> 'Create Gmail Key Password' to generate Token)
                         - sender_email = [email protected]
                         - receiver_email = [email protected]
       selenium_host_ip =  (Selenium host - required only if PLaywright is ruuning on Selenium)
       browser = Chrome [/Firefox]
       url =      

Start Tests

  1. Execute python3


  1. Check all behave options behave -h
  2. Check all allure options allure -h
  3. Check all playwright options playwright -h
  4. Execute allure serve FOLDER_PATH to start and create allure-report


  1. Test is using
  2. Test will be executed in parallel scenario by scenario
  3. Create Gmail Key Password
    1. Goto:
    2. Enter App Name
    3. Copy generated password
    4. Provide in resources/details.ini
  4. The test runs on local browsers. But docker support is also available (Refer start_docker_compose() in
  5. Reports will be available as below:
    • Allure: reports/allure_report
    • Behavex HTML: report/html
  6. Refer behave.ini for all settings