This is a utility application to help with all sorts of text processing related to Nepali language. It can be used to convert from Nepali typed in preeti
like fonts to unicode. There is also possibility of converting unicode Nepali to romanized Nepali.
Clone this repository and install.
git clone
cd sampadak
python3 install
This should make sampadak
executable availabel in CLI.
The documentation has
~$ sampadak --help
Usage: sampadak [OPTIONS]
-i, --input TEXT input file name
-o, --output TEXT output file name
-d, --ipdir TEXT output directory default .
-a, --action [asctouni|unitoasc]
action to perform
-t, --text TEXT text to process
--help Show this message and exit.
~$ sampadak -i <input_filename> -o <output_filename> -a <action>
Say you want to convert a text file with ascii codes corresponding to Nepali text in Preeti (like) font (s) called preeti_asc.txt
and you want to ge the unicode version of this text file named unicode.txt
you will need to do
~$ sampadak -i preeti_asc.txt -o unicode.txt -a asctouni
The action parameter (a) is the action to be done in the file.
Currently the only available actions is are asctouni
which converts ascii text to unicode text assuming the text file is ascii values corresponding to Nepali text in Preeti(like) font(s) and unitoasc
which converts unicode nepali text into romanized texts.
Why another converter?
First of all there are no any good python libraries to do this. Also, I have seen that the ones found all over th internet, mostly based on javascript, have a lot of problem in them.
Also I have not yet found a good transliterator that converts unicode Nepali to romanized Nepali. The reverse however are plenty (again javascript based).
Can it be used as a library?
Yes it can, but currently the documentation is non-existant, so it would be hard to get started with. Once I put together documentation and some more features you can use this as library and enjoy.
- License?