This is the luna modeler. It is able to simulate a rocket and its properties through time at is moves through a desired flight path. The model is intended to simulate the luna lander, an entry in the NASA Break The Ice competition. Below are properties as a result of simulations of a craft initialized with certain velocity vectors, and is stable in low earth orbit.
Initialization Parameters
Coordinates of craft in ECI coordinate system (meters) plotted through time.
Craft's evolution of distance from earths center through time.
Time to and since Periapsis (lowest point in orbit) being calculated exclusivley mathematically
The path traced out on the XY plane by the craft through time.
The inclination of the orbit
The Latitude and Longitude graph. This graph with earth's map background is what you would see at NASA.
Height from earth's surface.
The Moon's position in ECI coordinate space plotted through time. (The moon's gravity is considered)