A smart device for blind people which can recognize the object and people can listen that in their earphone using text to speech, along with that if person fall then a fall detection with person’s location will be appear at local webpage.
- Raspberry Pi 3 B+
- Sense Hat
- Adafruit ultimate GPS with USB to UART( -165 dBm ,MTK3339)
- USB WebCam
- VNC Server (Linux) with RPi 3 B+
- Python Programming for GPS location and Fall detection
- OpenCV 3.0.0 and Python for Object detection using pre trained MobileNet SSD Neural Network with ~0.9 fps using Pi but using laptop it can be 10-15 fps pyttsx3 library for text to speech.
- Python and HTML programming for local Webpage using client and server
- For Website you can go with firebase database and make android application or you can use any open source cloud.