This Is For Educational Purposes Only
This is a Low BandWidth DDos Attack Script
It works by creating a bunch of sockets, sending get requests with each socket. Once connected, send a keep alive from each socket.
From The Help
usage: sloris [-h] [-p PORT] [-a ALIVETIME] [-t SLEEPTIME] [-s SOCKET] [-5 [SOCKS5]] [-5p SOCKS5PORT] [domain]
Slow Loris Attack Script
positional arguments:
domain Host to test
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PORT, --port PORT Port
Keep Alive Time
Time to sleep
-s SOCKET, --socket SOCKET
# of sockets
-5 [SOCKS5], --socks5 [SOCKS5]
Socks5 proxy
-5p SOCKS5PORT, --socks5port SOCKS5PORT
Socks5 port